J.E. Sawyer lead on Fallout: New Vegas

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
J.E. Sawyer, who we last saw as the lead of BIS' last attempt at Fallout 3 (Van Buren), has confirmed he is lead on Fallout: New Vegas.<blockquote>Yes. I'm the project director and lead designer. I can't complain. </blockquote>Thanks Seymour the spore plant.
Yeah, I don't think they'll have much freedom in design. It would be great if they do, but I doubt it.

I doubt we'll see different mechanics or something like that.

At the moment I think the best we can hope for is not so much lore raping and dialogs which are not retarded.
The different news stories have led me to believe that the game will play a lot like FO3 did, which concerns me greatly. Beth wouldn't allow a proper sequel to FO (ie: isometric and turn based) as it could backfire in their faces after the amount of trash they have talked.

This is great news though... I'm waiting with baited breath now.
I am in shock. This is all very tough to take in. This all seems a bit too good to be true.
FeelTheRads said:
At the moment I think the best we can hope for is not so much lore raping and dialogs which are not retarded.

Which is very much. There is nothing worse than incoherent and idiotic story, dialogues etc.

As for the news, this is starting to look better and better.
monsharen said:
I am in shock. This is all very tough to take in. This all seems a bit too good to be true.
It's bizarre really.

That Bethesda would allow this, that we're hearing about this all at once. That Sawyer is back, that VB assets are owned.

I'm optimistic, but waiting for the other shoe to fall as well.

What is Bethesda's angle here?
I know that I'll eat my words soon, but...

I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt. Sure, they screw over their fanbase, but they already signed a contract with Obsidian, and it's Obsidian we'll be talking to, not P'Ete the Liar.

Way I see it, the reason Fo3 feels so detached is that it's Bethesda's separate take on the Fallout universe. They like previous titles and decided they should give the old dudes a chance to go at it.

Way I see it:

Full Fallout:

Fo1 -> Fo2 -> vB -> F:NV
\...> FoT (semicanon)
\...> Fo3 (semicanon)


Fo3 (+ DLCs) as a reboot

Fo1, Fo2, FoT, FOBOS, vB (background and foundation)
I also hope this game has a decent length, like 8 - 10 hours, if it's just a glorified DLC I'll be pissed, you're going to need a good length to tell a good story.
Is there a way to know who else is on the project other than begging on their boards ?

Like...y'know...Feargus Urquhart ?
So, when comes J.E. Sawyer over here to post here too? :>
Cimmerian Nights said:
What is Bethesda's angle here?

A quick, effortless buck, more likely than not.

By handing it to Obsidian, not only will they get a share (and a considerable one, I'd imagine) of the profits with none of the work but also earn some street cred with the die-hard RPG crowd, which Beth has been alienating for quite some time now. By limiting the development cycle and the engine/gameplay used (I assume both were their doing), they make sure it won't stray too far from their "vision" of the franchise or eclipse Beth's one and only True Sequel™. A win-win situation, really.

It remains to be seen wether we'll also profit in any way.
MrBumble said:
Is there a way to know who else is on the project other than begging on their boards ?

Like...y'know...Feargus Urquhart ?

Fergus is the boss of Obsidian, the suit, he oversees the company. I only have three names so far.
They must believe in karma, y'know, they take FOOL from Interplay, they give back to Obsidian...

This really is a dream come true. If Obsidian's work turn out to be a worthy fallout, i will forget about Fallout 3 and give Bethesda the credit of liberating the licence from Interplay.
I highly doubt we will see any game mechanic changes but no doubt the story will be much better. Most likely more and better side quests, Vastly improved dialogue( my two year old could right better dialog then Bethesda). So this will undoubtedly be a better game than fallout 3 dont expect isometric turn based gameplay
I heard that inked a deal earlier this month, but I sort of assumed that it was Mass Effect 3. This is a pleasant surprise.
mortiz said:
I also hope this game has a decent length, like 8 - 10 hours, if it's just a glorified DLC I'll be pissed, you're going to need a good length to tell a good story.
If every quest has at least 3-5 options with completely different outcomes, maybe, but that's still on the short side. ~20-30 hours + the different outcomes/routes/options for quests would be ideal.