J.E. Sawyer lead on Fallout: New Vegas

Hot damn, I never thought I'd see this day. At first I thought that this is a only a bad joke, but DAMN.

What happened to Bethesda that we all loved so very much? Someone killed Howard and Hines and replaced them with androids or something?

Anyway, this looks very promising now, just hope it won't be rushed or 10 hours long.
aenemic said:
I have to say I'm more excited about that than I've been about anything Fallout-related for a long time. on the other hand, I was very excited about Fallout 3 at one point...

It will be the same sort of role-playing game experience seen in Fallout 3
thata what Hines said, make out of that what you want ...
I think wait and see. It is said that Vegas has to be close in gameplay to F3. And we all know how awesome gameplay was in F3 ...

I hope they will go a bit back to their "roots", for example when they focus on exploration, you know the target was to explore the moral and story of the wasteland not how to get a "bigger" plasma rifle.
Pretty sure wiki'ing 'steam' would get you water vapour.

console games get pirated plenty too. And there's no denying that games designed for a console are universally not as deep as games intended solely for a PC audience. But let's not go there.

it doesn't have to play like FO3. It could play like, oh, Neverwinter Nights. Gamebyro can probably handle that. Or even Mass Effect, although I found that to be irritating to play, not least because it went to great lengths to constrain my options.
Trithne said:
And there's no denying that games designed for a console are universally not as deep as games intended solely for a PC audience. But let's not go there.
I think you mean generally rather than universally.

Trithne said:
it doesn't have to play like FO3. It could play like, oh, Neverwinter Nights. Gamebyro can probably handle that.
That would be a pretty big change. It's not something they would want to do with a <2-year development cycle. This sort of thing is usually a quick cash in, like KotOR 2 or even Fallout 2. I would expect a new setting, a new story, some new art, but only a few gameplay tweaks.
Viliny said:
How about you wiki:steam
That's exactly what I was going to say. I have limited experience with steam as I only have one game with it (which I bought at a store then entered the key and thus attached it to my steam account). Which was a roundabout way to do things but worked perfect. But yeah people complain about steam but really it's a genius system IMO. I understand why people pirate but they are also simultaneously hurting cos by doing that. Unfortunately many people are not as honest as me ( I have never pirated a PC game and I've been PC gaming since 1993) and I own....s..t... a LOT of games, I don't even know the exact # I'd have to count them all.

But the greater point that you are implying I think is that it's a cop out to use the excuse of piracy for making games targeted at console gamers because with proper content delivery (a steam like system) cos COULD & CAN make games exclusively for PC and NOT lose significant money to piracy. If piracy is near impossible the main limiting factor becomes who do you want to cater to. Sure maybe there are more console gamers out there than PC but if the sole objective is to rake in the most cash by catering to the lowest common denominator I'd call that a damn shallow goal. I guess I have these old time notions of being passionate about what you do....
Brother None said:
J.E. Sawyer, who we last saw as the lead of BIS' last attempt at Fallout 3 (Van Buren), has confirmed he is lead on Fallout: New Vegas.<blockquote>Yes. I'm the project director and lead designer. I can't complain. </blockquote>Thanks Seymour the spore plant.

Well then, the game is gonna suck. It will be a lead-by-the-nose, lack of free will, mindless linear plot snooze fest.
IF Chris Avellone had been project director and lead designer, I'd be salivating like a Pavlovian dog, but with Josh in charge....

We'll see how sales go, how well the game is received once it hits store shelves.
I'm looking forward to the game but the bi-polar mood rollercoaster that this thread and others has been is very entertaining as well.
Corith said:
IF Chris Avellone had been project director and lead designer, I'd be salivating like a Pavlovian dog, but with Josh in charge....

We'll see how sales go, how well the game is received once it hits store shelves.

i have a pretty big hunch that after all he had invested with VB that he'll become as involved with this as possible. what that might mean, i guess we can just hope for the best.
It has been my experience that when you have a project director and lead designer with a huge ego, filling both roles, the project suffers regardless of the talented people also working on said project.
they got the reviews and sales to back up my opinions. But that's just my opinion, one I'm sure you'll dispute.

Name an Obsidian game that was a large success both at retail and in critics' eyes.

That always means a game is good. ALWAYS!
this is nice news but I must say it still feels pretty weird though..

So will Van Buren serve some kind of use now?
Beth did have it right?
Yeah, this is going to last a long time. Generally weak attempt overall, you have to be more subtle with it.
FeelTheRads said:
See how you disputed my opinion?

Your opinion was that if a game gets good reviews and sales it's a good game (see this part "they got the reviews and sales to back up my opinions."), therefore your opinion sucks.

Fallout 1 was great for its time, but it's become outdated. Obsolete.

And? Then I HAVE to like this new trend of dumbing down?

I've had this argument here before too. If nearly every critic and gamer likes and purchases the game and you dont, it does not mean that they are all brainwashed and wrong... it means that you dont like the game.

And things are not really all that dumbed down, just streamlined. I recently re-started Fallout 2 and I'm not loving unecesarily long battles of "miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss" on both sides. I think the faster pace, simpler controls and easy exploration is a good thing.

But are we going to play video game snobs when practically all video games are dumb compared to a great novel or composition? I dont see the difference between Stuff like Fallout and Baldurs gate to Fallout 3 and Mass Effect to be that abysmal except for the massively updated technology and change of focus from mostly text based die rolls to mostly 3d action.
lugaru said:
And things are not really all that dumbed down, just streamlined.

um, no. things are very dumbed down. SPECIAL is broken and pointless because you become a jackofalltradessuperman by level 10 and the dialogue is the most embarrassing pile of crud i've ever seen.

sure, there's great stuff in the game...but nearly every great about the originals is dumbed down or watered down.