Japanese Toilets!

Cimmerian Nights said:
Actually I don't think anyone else can approach Japanese toilet technology:


Heated seat, built-in bidet, auto-closing lid, built-in stereo with memory card - all controlled by remote with a digital display.

The toilet citied there is a western-style toilet, not the piss trough design the Japanese originally have. It is this piss trough I find moronic.


Piss trough:
Well from a hygiene point of view the japanese toilet is probably superior since it involves not as large contact areas as the european standard.
Don't even get me started on FRENCH toilets - what use is a hole in the ground: never mind the fact you have to squat but it all pings back up - eww.

Sheepster said:
I know the Japanese rule in the toilet design, but those toilets in the video. Are those designed to wash you automatically, so you don't need to wipe at all. Just hang on to the bars with the power of allmighty and let the superwash do it's thing!

Ever read The Last Albatross by Ian Banks? It has just such a scene where huge queues of women want to try the autowash - even the fridged school teacher wants another go!

But in all honesty how long do you need to stay on the toilet? I'm all for having a good read of the paper but bringing your own memory card to plug in and play is absurd.
Kotario said:
Cultural inheritance, a squatting tradition against a sitting tradition.

Besides, there is also the horror of the The German Poo-Shelf Toilet.
Ehehe, those are really common around here.
I have no idea why, though. Perhaps it has to do with technical flushing problems.
Good gawd i totally forgot those! I went to Germany in March on a Foreign exchange and my partner's house had many. I don't understand the reason for having water to cover the smell when it just sits there. However, it can stop the unpleasant splash back that comes with conventional toilets.
Kotario said:
Cultural inheritance, a squatting tradition against a sitting tradition.

Besides, there is also the horror of the The German Poo-Shelf Toilet.

I had one in my hotel during my trip to Vienna last year. It wasn't a very ....enjoyable experience.

The same reason I can't squat any more. It's interesting how spending a lot of time in other countries can change one's behavior. Still, most modern/young Asian kids I know haven't even seen a squatter.

There was that funny story where a group of American kids I lead for a Chinese exchange trip had some problems while we were on the train. Apparently, one of the girls slipped while squating, and she panicked. She thought her foot was stuck, so after we were notified of the screaming in English in the bathroom, we had to mount a rescue mission.

Needless to say, she had quite a cultural shock.