Jericho returns


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
The response of fans to Jericho's cancellation has been impressive, and has included sending 50,000 pounds of protest peanuts to the office of CBS. Because of this CBS announced that they will renew the canceled post-apocalyptic television show for seven additional episodes, and begin a drive to increase the viewing audience. They also count on the fans to help them in this area. Obviously this wouldn't have happened if not for the passionate response of the Jericho fanbase. The first season will also be released on DVD this coming September 25th.

A smaller, older note of interest, not only is Fallout well thought of, but Tim Cain is mentioned by name in a Ask the Producers feature.<blockquote>I'm a huge fan of the post-apocalyptic movies and books, all thanks to a PC game series entitled "Fallout" (and I'm sure there are a lot of fans of these games watching "Jericho"). Has any of you played the game? If so, can we count on some (even subtle) references to these games?

Producer's Response: We love "Fallout." Tim Cain is a genius. Look for our answer to The Hub in episode 13, entitled "Black Jack." You can watch a short preview for that episode on Innertube right now. Also, the rabbit is reduced to a thin red paste.</blockquote>Links:
A Message from CBS Entertainment at the Jericho Wiki.
Ask the Producers at the Jericho Wiki.

A big thanks to Maphusio, who not only brought this to our attention, but organized the information for us.


they wrote plot lines for 3 seasons, lets get those 3!!!!
Great news! Never seen the series, but what a testement to fan-power. PEANUT POWAR.

And the Fallout inspiration/references-to-come are the icing on an already juicy cake.
I wish that news sound: Jeremiah returns's... i could watch Jericho to about 12 episode, but after that i stop. It became boring... Now i start Watching Jeremiah, two episodes to end first seasons and it's GREAT. Too bad it got only to season.
Yeah, in terms of post-apocalyptic TV series Jeremiah is far superior to Jericho.
Signeon said:
If only Firefly could have the same success....

Good news regardless.

There was talk about that on a radio show thats been dedicated to Jericho (and making HUGE ratings) on the Shaun OMac show

Really, Firefly did not have the same avenues to reach folk that Jericho had (youtube, news blogs, ect) nor the same firepower (nuts). Firefly fans were just as aggressive and passionate if not a little more so. I think many may not have really thought the show was the best but were there because they are sick and tired of the same crap the networks deal us.

And Tails... You don't live stateside do you?
Great news indeed. I hope everyone will do their part in watching the show on TV (if that option is available), as well as spread the word about the show.
Fahrplan said:
Ausir said:
Yeah, in terms of post-apocalyptic TV series Jeremiah is far superior to Jericho.

Jeah sure Capt'n Iron has broken leg and it heals within hours.
1) It was Jeremiah not Captain Iron
2) He didn't have broken leg
Advice: Next time take a good look at things you want to comment :lol: