Jobs, what do you do and how did you get them.


Ok, I am guessing a lot of you are students and are still looking, but quite a few people here are working. What do you do? If you you're not doing what you want, what do you want to do? And how do you plan to get that job or how did you get the job you got?

Currently I am a grad student at a University where I am working towards a dissertation on African politics and state formation. I also teach - sometimes English writing, other times politics and sometimes law. I also work in a library to pull in some extra bucks. Before that I practiced law for three years. Ideally, I'd like to teach, do research and write (both fiction and non-fiction).
I get casual jobs, most of them by coincidence.

Painting a canvas for a press conference, making cartoons out of company employees during one of their company parties in a "gay" club (damn, that was about the funniest, plus they sponsored drinks), currently finished the logo for a european movement foundation...

Stuff like that. Pays the paint and the alcohol for a month.
I work for the Government of the United states in a capacity to help resolve international conflicts where diplomatic means have been exhausted (or ignored)

Actually i turn wrenches on helicopters for the US Army. I love the job, regular hours, steady pay, great job security, spiffy uniforms and good benifits. Now if i could just get finance to stop screwing with my paycheck and give me the money they owe me i'll be happy.
Agh, the beauty of selling boobies.

Some of the porn I'm selling these days are...well...too disgusting to mention here. Think pinchers...think candles...think piss.

My job is boring, drab and I'm long-since tired of it, but I need the money to get to Cuba

The beauty of being a store-clerk. Boring.
I am an electronics technician repairing Gretag and Noritsu 1 hour photo machines. Currently i am finishing my education for network administration, i am currently Cisco certified, and am now working on my MCSE.

Cheers Thorgrimm
The subject of this post made me think - "Who is your daddy and what does he do?"

I'm currently unemployed, as I recently quit my wonderful job as a Customer Service Representative at Blockbuster Video.

Oh, and to answer the second part of the question - my friend used to be an Assistant Manager, so he got me the job.
I used to work for Sam Walton (a.k.a. America's Hitler) unloading trucks. The hours sucked but the money was good.

Before that i worked at the movie theater, which was easy, the pay sucked but the perks were awesome.

I got both jobs by simply applying and showing off my charming personality.
Im in college majoring in chemistry, biology and hopefully maths.

I live off what they call extended child support from my dad o atlest untill im 20, then i might have to get a part time job.

Im planning on studying pharmaceuticals in university or maybe international business law, so if anyone can tell me how being a lawyer is like i would appreciate it. I allready am familiar with pharmaceuticals since i practicly grew up in a pharmacy.
[PCE said:
el_Prez]Before that i worked at the movie theater, which was easy, the pay sucked but the perks were awesome.

I hear that. The pay at Blockbuster was shitty but the 5 free rentals a week sure as hell made up for it.

I hesitated for a good minute before I signed that two-weeks notice.
I'm unemployed (YAY!) but up until Christmas I sold lightbulbs. (Don't ask)
Boring as hell, and the pay was shit.
I cook fuckin chicken wings, I have a terrible job...

But I'm going back to school soon, maybe I'll get another band together and give being a rock star another shot.
I work in the central security station of an art museum - I make sure all the guards are doing what they're supposed to, monitor the alarms in the building and the CCTV's, keep track of who is in the art storage and gallery areas, shut down the building when necessary, etc. It can be a little stressful at times, but it pays really well and the benefits are pretty incredible - plus, I get to look at art and hot graduate students all day.

My girlfriend went to art school so she knew about the place and worked there at one point, and recommended that I try to get a job there. I did, and I've been there for about three years now. Go me.
In a few weeks I'm going to start work as an analyst at a hedge fund (fund of funds). Before, I interned in similar jobs, and was referred to this one.
Serbians in America generally have two options for employment: Truck driver or manual labor (usually home improvement). I go to school, but I work for my dad’s home improvement company during the summer. Usually I dig ditches, make fences, carry heavy things, and other miscellaneous physical labor. The difficulty of the job is almost irrelevant when you work with a bunch of crazy, hilarious Serbians. Last summer we had a Bulgarian join our little company. Poor guy, we gave him hell. I don’t think anyone knew his real name. Everyone just called him Boogie.
I used to be an ESL tutor/teacher, translator, a student agent, and I ran a host program for Chinese immigrants in Canada.

I had more fun in my old job. I meet more interesting people, and get to talk to more women my age(better social life).

That changed when I got into a auto-accident 3 years ago. I went through some extremely tough shit with some ramifications that still exist today. I am still dealing with the legal problems. (I now hate all state owned insurance molopolies with a vengence. :evil: )

After that I decided to work for my dad, who owns the company where I work right now. Families are more forgiving in terms of mistakes you make and problems you have.

I work for a bio-tech/international trade company. I also have a few potential investment projects on the side.
I'm a manager for a IT group at a brokerage firm.

Pretty good job, pretty stressful as we take care of the trading and back office processng systems.
I'm at Univ. writing a stupid English literature thesis at the moment. Then I'll jump on the teacher's programme, social science, and hopefully become a teacher at our equivalent of senior high school some day. Between the studies I work as a nursing assistant at a senile ward.
I work as an Web-designer / IT admin. Its an ok job, the pay is fair but its a bit boring (don't really have that mutch to do)

My dream job is in the gaming industry.

And then I have an secund (almost) full time job: Mutants Rising :D
I'm a graduate student, studying immunobiology. I got my 'job' by having bad grades, great recommendations and great lab experience.

After this I am thinking about more post-graduate education, in law, MBA or international studies programs. I am also going to take up Mandarin in the fall. My dream job would be as a scientific consultant or possibly foreign service officer for the state department, specializing in China.

Or I could teach high school or undergraduate level coursework. But first I need to get my PhD...