John Carmack speculates

cdoublejj said:
also i tough there was dos install for fallout 1 and since dosbox has port for psp...


Yip, although the text is small and game runs kinda slow @333Mhz (with high probability of random freezes/crashes). Analog stick for mouse cursor.
Dracon M'Alkir said:
cdoublejj said:
also i tough there was dos install for fallout 1 and since dosbox has port for psp...


Yip, although the text is small and game runs kinda slow @333Mhz (with high probability of random freezes/crashes). Analog stick for mouse cursor.
That's freaking sweet, too bad it's useless much like the NDS emulator for PSP but I was thinking, FIFE is written in C++ and GCC can create code for PSP...
UncannyGarlic said:
If we're talking Fallout 1&2 then no problem. If we're talking a Fallout 3 style game then I hardly see how that would work well. The big question about doom on the iPhone is does it play well? Point and click seems perfect for the iPhone while anything that requires a gamepad or the like seems like a bad fit.

thats why i like my blackjack it has buttons great for emulators for sega nes snes etc and isn't to shaby at duke nukem 3d gets 30 fps and controls aren't horrible, i can't quite get pocket fallout to work on it though.

EDIT to the above post OMG so SWEET i wonder if it is possible to overclock the the psp i overclocked my black jack. i wonder if you can tweak the resolution to fit the psp better with the killap patch, of course i think the killap patch is 32bit thus not working on dos box.
Reconite said:
Y'know, I think this will just be some Fallout 3 mini-port to the iPhone with an even worse storyline. There's no point of anyone getting their hopes up about this because it won't be Fallout 1 or 2 style, it will be Fallout 3 FPS style, and the fact that Bethesda is behind it should be enough to tell everyone that.

On the other hand, Fallout 1 and 2 on the Nintendo DS/iPhone could work because the PC Mouse would be easier to convert to the Touch Screen than to a PSP's control scheme.



if Nintendo does it i gonna buy a DS and the DS Fallout

i still have the very first gameboy


I really don't get the big hype with making games for the iPhone, or for any phone for that matter. we have huge monsters of gaming pc's, pretty damn powerful consoles, and all sorts of neat portable gaming devices... yet people want to play games on a fucking phone?
ask your self one thing. With what are most people particularly kidz runing around today? A mobile phone.
Crni Vuk said:
ask your self one thing. With what are most people particularly kidz runing around today? A mobile phone.
The phone game market has always struck me as something targeted at an older audience simply because of how one goes about purchasing games for phones.

I don't know how good the phone game market is though, I'd think that it'd be nasty due to a lack of consistency in operating systems and hardware but I don't know. As for iPhones, Apple can shove them up their ass.
Cell Phone games suck. Seriously, has there ever been any good games on a phone?

I would much rather see a portable Fallout on a portable gaming device, preferably DS.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Cell Phone games suck. Seriously, has there ever been any good games on a phone?

I would much rather see a portable Fallout on a portable gaming device, preferably DS.

Tetris is/was pretty addictive.
Tetris wasn't specifically made for a cell phone. Tetris is one of those timeless puzzle games (the best puzzle game in my opinion), so on any format it would be just as good.

I'm taking about games specifically made for cell phones.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Tetris wasn't specifically made for a cell phone. Tetris is one of those timeless puzzle games (the best puzzle game in my opinion), so on any format it would be just as good.

I'm taking about games specifically made for cell phones.

Yeah, but I still got you. Tetris is a really fun and addictive game that you could play on a cell phone to pass time. :P
Rufus Luccarelli said:
so on any format it would be just as good.
you might think about that statemant again ...
i like games on my smart phone like duke nukem 3d and what not in the case i'm stuck in a car for long car ride, i just now have laptop that is just strong enough to play some games. or at work on break.
or maybe just feel like playing a little hand held sega or nes and palyign bed or on the couch my black jack has the capability hand i have plenty of room with 16bg micro sd card :D 250mhz with 30mb rams pretty well for me it's like a low spec computer from when i was a kid.