Josan12's new Fallout 2 animations showcase

I agree with what has been said here: These animations are awesome, and fit perfectly with current in-game animations.

Once the sniper animation can be made to stay in its pants, this'll be good to go.
Small Framed said:
This "such a small thing" would add a lot of replay value to a game that won't have a legit successor for years to come.

Amen brother. Long live BIS Fallout!

Thanks for all the positive comments folks. It is indeed a lot of work. I have to confess: i didn't think anyone would spot the chameleon pants on the sniper! It was a late-night mistake and i was too tired to correct it :oops: :mrgreen:
juM8o said:
Anyway nice to see that someone still works with fo2, even if its pretty much for nothing cause outdated engine and overplayed game.

We'll see how many of TEH next-crap games (after ten years from their release) will be so heavily modded like that outdated engine and overplayed game is now.
I think I'm more excited by these new animations than I am with anything to do with FO3

Gives me an excuse to play through FO2 again :clap:
Very well done! I'd love to see these incorporated by mods. It's fine work like that which compels me to keep FO2 installed on my computer. How many games have this quality of work done for them even 10 years after their release?
IMHO such work should be valued the same as some piece of FO3 news, or possibly even more!

What can be better than seeing fans make such awesome animations? Looks very original, i bet the FO2 designers wouldn't see any mistakes in them.

Question is tho, how was such genius work made?!
My guess is 3d max and skinning? Im probably wrong tho :P