Can't people just like both separately or, I don't know, combine philosophies to their liking and value both sides?
Could say the same with Fallout.
Can't people just like both separately or, I don't know, combine philosophies to their liking and value both sides?
Dependes on what you mean.
I mean New Vegas combined the worthwile aspects of Bethesda's approach and the classic approach to make something good, but beth's attempts at fallout themselves are mediocre games that survive off people's addictive personalities.
Some of them feel the same way I do about games like Wasteland 2 and PoE - they are cashing in off nostalgia, not half the RPG's some of the old games were, and filled with overly verbose padding and trash combat. In PoE's case a smattering of SJW thrown in along with stretch goals and bullshit. It boils down to Planescape, Fallout, and Baldur's Gate being name-dropped a hell of a lot and none of the games (generally speaking) living up to that.
New Vegas in their opinion is mediocre due to the shit engine. They take the hardliner stance that Roshambo did that we shouldn't support the decline of the franchises like Fallout. So you have some that won't play Bethesda garbage hating on some people like Avellone and Sawyer who are supporting Bethesda in various ways.