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Feels like this is something that you could probably get a straight answer on from Josh Sawyer
Feels like this is something that you could probably get a straight answer on from Josh Sawyer
Conserva would more likely come down to the White Legs via Spanish, not directly from LatinIt's possible he didn't/doesn't know because somebody else wrote that particular line. In any case, what Graham's speaking seems to be White Leg -- makes sense in context, since he delivers the line to Salt-Upon-Wounds and, indirectly, the handful of other White Legs on their knees.
What the line sounds like to me is a mix of English, Jicarilla Apache, and Latin. (According to Google Translate, 'conserva' is Latin for 'preserve', which is where I got 'spared'.) That also fits with some of the other lines White Legs will shout while attacking, such as, "Deeyá you!" (Roughly, "You leave!")
So we can draw from this that the White Legs are the possible descendants of Apache who have picked up English and Latin from their contact with the Legion.
Conserva would more likely come down to the White Legs via Spanish, not directly from Latin
I absolutely agree, I think "None of you will survive" or perhaps "None of you will be saved" is obviously a correct translation for the latter part of the phrase, but I think the first section remains ambiguous.I have to admit, I'm not basing my guess purely on an attempt to translate the phrase; I'm also basing it on context and deduction.
"As god is my witness, none of you will be spared" not only synthesizes previous guesswork but is also based on the White Legs' language picking up influences from their important contacts -- those being New Canaanites and the Legion.
But, moreover, we can guess at the meaning of the phrase because Salt-Upon-Wounds actually translates it for us in the first line he speaks to us:
Joshua Graham (to Salt-Upon-Wounds): "Kale watcha nei conserva oh. You understand me, don't you. Don't you."
Salt-Upon-Wounds (to the Courier): "Koona-man mad! He kill all White legs! You talk! You stop!"
Well, obviously, Graham hasn't killed all the White Legs. But Salt-Upon-Wounds believes he'll do that -- because that's what Graham just told him he's going to do.
Spanish just seems much much more likely to me. Latin is possible, but in my estimation less likely.Frankly, either is possible, and both come out to the same result. Conserva means 'preserve' in either Latin or Spanish; and since the Utah tribals are canonically descended from a mix of Native Americans, Americans more generally, and European tourists, it might already have been in their lexicon pre-Legion -- and it certainly would have been post-. After all, it's doubtful that Ulysses would have picked up White Leg without imparting some Latin in exchange.
Very interesting, and extremely frustrating."The line spoken by Joshua Graham to Salt-Upon-Wounds has yet to be translated, and project director Josh Sawyer, when asked on Formspring, refused to translate it. He noted its mysterious nature and when asked if the line was translatable or nonsense, clarified that the line is not."
Joshua Sawyer: "It wasn't in Latin. It was in the White Legs' tribal language, which includes elements of Spanish (hence the common Romance language roots with Latin). Also, *~ mysteries ~*"
How do you figure bears?It has something to do with bears and preservation.
If this isn't what it originally meant, it's what it means now as far as I'm concerned. Fits perfectly."As god is my witness" (Kale watcha) "none of you will be spared." (nei conserva oh.)
Ke-mo sah-bee . Whiteman speak with forked tongue. Kale watcha = Watcher of the Kale ! ( A keen Gardener who tends the crops; so any Brassica including Cabbage or boy sprouts ) Nei conserva oh ! = You let the crops die ? Why !?. So veganism has been rejected and the gardener wants to hunt and eat meat.
Sorry to necro a thread, but something occurred to me:I ran the words through google translate to see what pops up. They pop up other words too though. Kale popped up as Bare this time. Something preserves in something. Definitely preserves is in there since it is Spanish.
I thought bears might be related due to the lore.