well, in the den, you can pretty much own them all solo if you have a fighter character. if you brought another NPC it shouldnt be too hard.
there are a few tricks though:
- steal: even without a pickpocket skill, you shouldnt have a hard time to steal the boss' gun. ^^
- use the surroundings: open the door that you can open in advance, close the one between you and the guards outside the bosses room. then move fight & take advantage of it. if you move out of sight, they cant shoot you. they'll have to waste actionpoints moving to your location. simple stuff like that. create bottlenecks...
- if you're skilled in firearms & got a basic melee or HtH skill, you might want to take aimed shots & then hit em in HtH or melee. with some luck, the aimed shot can do some nasty damage & you can get a knockdown with your HtH. (but dont try this if you have no basic skill in HtH or any decent melee weapon)
- if all the above fails, you might want to scrounge up some TNT, arm it & plant it one two guards standing close to eachother.
of course, dont forget, you can use infinite stimpacks and fruit to regain HP when you use your inventory, as well as reload your guns. you shouldve found a good deal of healing supplies by now. if you're having trouble, use em.
most of my advice assumes you start fighting in the bosses room, but thats only one of the possibilities. this game has plenty of solutions.
as for your original question: killing those slavers will get you some positive reputation, yeah.
as for the stickman, ask me in a week or so, i should have the full version somewhere on a HDD that isnt connected atm. the full version is like half a meg of something. a wee bit big for a signature. besides, i like my cut down version.