Knives knives knives!

Dopemine Cleric said:
The "Bowie, Survival" Knives of this design are not the greatest weapons and are better for utility uses compared to straight blades, for knives are not long or heavy enough to slash and kill ergonomically. The reason the military issues these is not for primarily defensive purposes, and some have the bayonet function and self-defense/sentry elimination function, but are poor comparisons to the old traditional straight bayonets and knives.

I used my ka-bar to gut game, chop wood, cut barbwire, hammer in tent stakes, open tin cans and stir a fire.

I'd call that an all purpose knife and unlike you I have years of actual hands-on survival training and camping/backpacking/hunting experience.
DammitBoy said:
Dopemine Cleric said:
The "Bowie, Survival" Knives of this design are not the greatest weapons and are better for utility uses compared to straight blades, for knives are not long or heavy enough to slash and kill ergonomically. The reason the military issues these is not for primarily defensive purposes, and some have the bayonet function and self-defense/sentry elimination function, but are poor comparisons to the old traditional straight bayonets and knives.

I used my ka-bar to gut game, chop wood, cut barbwire, hammer in tent stakes, open tin cans and stir a fire.

I'd call that an all purpose knife and unlike you I have years of actual hands-on survival training and camping/backpacking/hunting experience.

Where did Dopemine Cleric say the ka-bar isn't useful for what you just mentioned?
I didn't. He just wants to pretend he doesn't know everything. Also I lived in the woods for 2 months when I was younger, and my father was a PJ in Vietnam. Alot of his experience bled over to me when I was being raised.

SuAside said:
chill out, Dopemine Cleric. it was clear enough he wanted a nice survivalist all-arounder, no?

Besides butchering meat for food and cutting softer materials, and using the a serrated back for wires/Can openers, I would be much more comfortable in the wilderness with one of these.

That's "Tactical Tomahawk". It's a tool that makes other tools, and kills things from a distance, and is suppose to beat on hard wood all day long without <s>Getting tired and covered in quaff</s> breaking.

For a hunting and utility knife I'd go for a Bushman Bowie


It's very pretty. I'd like to see some cutting tests.

This is one of my Striders. I have a smaller one, but don't have any pictures of it uploaded to my website.

Day to day, I carry a Kershaw Mini-Mojo, a Kershaw Blur, or a CRKT M16. For the knife snobs, I also have an Emerson Commander, although it's been a while since I've carried it anywhere.


Ironically, there is a little lock-back razor that I keep in the sheath that sees far more use then my expensive fancy knives. For cutting cardboard, wire, cloth, etc... it's way easier to use and doesn't dull my knife. Plus, when I need a sharper blade, I simply flip or throw away the old one.
Nice 1911 8-)

This video is about my new vest, but my knife is there, so I can post the vid in this topic.


Somebody mentioned Marttiini earlier and I can attest to the quality of their knives/puukkos. Especially Condor Skinner that I have.


What's important to me is the good finger guard, I've never had the 'slip 'n slide' - accident with the Condor. Also the size is ok, total lenght 23 cm, never really needed anything bigger in the woods. I had this with me through military and several outings through to this day, it's served me well. Absolutely zero wear and tear in it.

Oh yea, I used to have a Victorinox but in the end it 'blew up'. Extremely useful while it lasted though.
Laiti knife?

Member of Khans said:
It's kinda funny that a lot of guys want martial looking blades, while I like knifes a lot more when they do NOT resemble a weapon (the Ka-Bar being the one exception). Dunno why. I am a pacifist, yes, but a gun nut as well, after all.

Anyway, besides kitchen cutlery, I don't have many knifes. Just my Fällknivens and those two:

Marttiini Puukko and Victorinox Huntsman SAK.

Both I had since I was like 12. And both where used to dead. The SAK has been extensively carried, up to the point where the Swiss emblem is all rubbed off. I keep all blades razor sharp, though.

I really appreciate good tools.

[as a sidenote: I would EDC a small one-hand folder, if it wasn't for our retarded law]

DexterMorgan: I just like the clear line of the CS SRK you posted. From the point of mere aesthetics, I'd probably go with that. nutnfancy agrees ;)
I try to always use/carry knives that will do the job and that I will not miss if I have to throw it away (or spend 10-15 minutes melting it down with a cutting torch.

The most useful knife I have (for my purposes) is the German Cat knife. This picture is about actual size.


They are about $20.

If I am going to a place where I know they are going to do more than a pat down (nobody pats your crotch), i have to be a bit more creative so I bring out the Cat Knife.

The Cat knife is incredibly thin and easy to walk on when folded up. nobody has ever wanded the bottom of my feet. Most only stop at the ankle to make sure you dont have an ankle holster etc.

I tend to wear Keen sandals as much as possible (with black socks). The knife is easy to retrieve when i want it after I have passed security

No nonsense survival knifes!




Don't confuse fighting knives for survival knives.

PS, that gerber is an awesome tool. I have that one ^,,^
WillisPDunlevey said:
The most useful knife I have (for my purposes) is the German Cat knife. This picture is about actual size.
Because the size of your picture will not vary with display size and resolution of said display... :roll:
I have a few Cold Steel Red River knives that I got on the cheap when they discontinued them. The wood grips were not finished so they were listed as seconds.

The best two that I got (had to buy them in a lot) were the Scalping blades (patterned after Hudson Bay scalping blades from the fur trade days) are really great... though I never got around to finishing them.