requiem_for_a_starfury said:
I don't disagree that it's a better more complex story in it's own right, but that it's done/handled better. If the story is inappropriate, as in it breaks with the original franchise and given it's historical context in that franchise's lore it doesn't really offer the same opportunities for choice and consequence, important for the type of game.
Which is why I noted that if you view it *without* that established canon, it's a better story.
If you have someone who has never heard of Star Wars play both games, I'd expect him to see the second as having a better story.
requiem said:
Plus it's rushed and unfinished then how can the 'way it plays' be better?
Both are highly repetitive and similar roleplaying games, but I felt that Kotor2 offered a bit more interesting locations and quests, and better dialogue.
I never really noticed many bugs or problems with the game until the very endgame.
Plus, I don't care much about combat.
requiem said:
Kreia doesn't have to be in your party, she could have been just be an npc that you have to interact with, a lot, but she fills a similar Obiwan role as Jolee did.
Kreia being in your party is pretty important, as it focuses on her guiding the Exile into what she wants, and manipulating events around here.
Kreia is much more a manipulator who pulls everyone's string than Jolee Bindo was - the latter was more a hanger-on.
requiem said:
The original characters follow the template of the film characters, okay maybe that was needed in the first game to give it a Star Wars feel. But with all the established species and what nots in the films and EU they could of gone really wild with the party members in the sequel but nope you still have a human male pilot with a distrust of the Jedi, a female Jedi that can be redeemed from the dark side with love, an enigmatic grey Jedi mentor figure, a wookiee with an emotional attachment to a female rogue. Sure they might of needed to give the player a choice of a soldier, scoundrel, and jedi etc but they really couldn't come up with any, more, original characters?
They gave all of them some twists, except the Carth stereotype who seems to be present in every Bioware game, even though this wasn't even a Bioware game.
In any case, while some characters are similar, others aren't, and I think Kreia is fundamentally different and plays a completely different role. Hell, the story revolves more around her than around the Exile at times.
Dragula said:
Yes but then again, Fallout 3 i devolution while KoTOR2 was evolution of the franchise because that even appealed to the purists, unlike Fallout 3.
Yes. So you agree with KOTOR2's change because you like it, and disagree with Fallout 3's change because you dislike it.
You can't just say "Fallout 3 betrays the franchise!" then turn around, see it happen somewhere else, then decide that that is different because you like it and no one is really complaining. That doesn't matter. It's still a fundamental change of the franchise, and hence doesn't fit the franchise.