Lead designer of Fallout 3 makes some mild comments

I read it 3 times and still dont see anything new in those answers ....
even mentioning what kind of shawing cream he uses woud have given us more information :idea:
Silencer said:
Kharn said:
Once you reach the upper levels, all the bandits are wearing super armours.

The forum dude is asking "will this be applied to Fallout 3 as well", i.e. rats turning into manti turning into wolves turning into aliens turning into deathclaws.

Now, let us not forget, Fallout 2 did apply that philosophy in a few select places, i.e. cave robber and bounty hunter random encounters (I don't remember if there were other instances)

It does stand to reason that mercenaries in leather jackets wouldn't risk tracking a Gauss-wielding desperado. So in some applications, levelling enemies up to match your "power level" does indeed help balancing.

The key word here is "all". If I want to idle time away by killing low lifes (i.e. critters with few HPs ;)) I should be able to go to a certain sector on the map near the start or into some "early" city, but in some other cases, enemies would evolve (in the middle-area of the game.) That would make sense.

Agreed. This evolution thing works best on some selected types of random encounters (like bounty hunters) and in places that storyline determines this happens (like the Blades of Adytum after the Gun Runners give them weapons in payment for the Vault Dweller cleaning the deathclaw nest. Hmm... nice idea for a mod: to keep the Blades well equiped after that battle against the Regulators :idea:).
Kharn said:
Nothing to discuss? Wait until Rosh gets his hand on this and the comments about working with tod. Yeeegh.

More like working "under" Todd.

Stop slurping, buddy. If Todd's design theory and such weren't so hilariously incompetent except for making shit shiny for the X-Box, then this fellow wouldn't be known for "the parts of Oblivion that didn't totally suck."