Yeah it was better than I thought. The USA didnt have much in terms of stars at first, but then
came out. and I was happy for a really long time. Damn. That girl is hot. And good!
Our Ono skater guy did well in getting medals, but he didnt get the upper medals like I thought he could. still crazy awesome though. I can't stop thinking that if it was a bigger event in the USA that he would have been trained more or something.
The Petersen guy doing the acrobatic ski thing was awesome and under marketed. Snowboarding is too quick! Half pipe is so awesome to watch yet is over so fast.
Curling was pimp finally. that's a fun switch.
There were no really amazing male skaters this year. And no USA female skaters to speak about.
Canada was the whole show just about, which was great.
Poor guy skater Weir, he had so much flack. He was so much better than the other skaters in mastering and in fluidity, he just didnt have as complicated in terms of axles and routines to get more sportsmanship points. He might look a tad "feminine" but i think it was more graceful and powerful actually.
Anyways, Weir, the Korean wonder skater, Vonn (moan...), the Japanese female skater, Shaun White, USA Petersen and of course, the hockey games, were my favorite events. Luge and 4 man bobsled are my favorites and were super competitive this year.
I missed shooting and skiing unfortunately, I like watching those double skill events. I cant imagine shooting a rifle at a 3 inch target after sprinting up a hill in ski's.
Imagine going 96 miles per hour in a fiberglass tub 2 inches off the ground and at 90 degrees at times up a wall..... With 3 other dudes in it.... or sliding down head first at near 90mph or feet first 2 inches above the ground and nothing but a few ounces of metal and plastic... holy crap that has to be the ultimate rush on this planet.
anyways, I like the winter games