Let's see you save a life, Mr. Smartypants.


Le Fromage Vieux oTO
Board Cop oTO
I hunger for pedantic, limited-use knowledge. Impoverished third-world peons hunger for simple grain. At last, there's a website that combines our interests:

Free Rice.

Beef up your vocabulary via a multiple-choice quiz in which you need to decide on the meaning of a fancy twenty-five cent word. For every one you get right, the sponsors will donate ten grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program. Plus, for those with a competitive streak, and to keep things interesting, their (admittedly primitive) skill-tracking system calculates your vocabulary level after the first few questions and bumps you up a level for every three correct answers. Every wrong answer loses you a level. The max level is 50, but it's rare for anyone to get past 48.

Since the multiple-choice definitions are usually one-word, some of them end up being pretty suspect-- fuzzy synonyms, at best-- but it's for a good cause, so I wasn't too pissed at being thrown the occasional screwjob. For those that want to stack themselves up against a wannabe English major, I held pretty steady around level 43, give or take. I peaked at 47, and I donated 2,350 grains of rice on my first go.

Please, don't let the next bloodthirsty African dictator die of hunger in his mother's arms.

(And yes, this is the exact same thread I posted at The Order. I'm a lazy, lazy man.)
I'm a foreigner and I got to 47 several times during my 1000-grain spree.

Edit: YES obviously the only purpose here is bragging.
The highest I got was around 35. Some very obscure words there. Also I learned "changeling" isn't just a fantasy term.

The Vault Dweller
I tried two times, always getting to 1000 grains. First time i ended with 42, second, 23. Highest on the first run was 46, on the second, 33.

The vocab level doesn't seem to be really representative, almost half of the words used there i saw for the first time in my life. I doubt i would be able to keep at level 10 if there wouldn't be those four choices to pick from.
I've been to 48 a few times now but I always seem to fall one word short of reaching 49.
The FAQ says
In addition to providing food, the World Food Program helps hungry people to become self-reliant so that they escape hunger for good. Wherever possible, the World Food Program buys food locally to support local farmers and the local economy.

Anyone else hear differently?
I can't remember the where/how, but I remember there was some sort of fuss about them, because they gave the food away and since local farmers/businesses can't compete with free, they ruined the local economy.

I could never get past level 34 :(
I hit 38 first try. Kinda tired though, will try again when I can pay attention.
I'm at 34 and counting :D

wtf does that mean?



I got to 38, but the obscurity of the words just baffled me.
words like chiromancy and hypermetropia and genuflect :crazy:
Peak of 46, falling to 40 soon after, with 800 grains of rice. A large proportion being educated guesses.

Now I need to get back to cramming for my undergrad final exams next week, but maybe I can procrastinate with it a little another time.

xdarkyrex said:
I'm at 34 and counting :D

wtf does that mean?



I got to 38, but the obscurity of the words just baffled me.
words like chiromancy and hypermetropia and genuflect :crazy:

One can look for clues among what you already know, without knowing Greek or Latin. I don't know what the options were, but more clues:

ptero: Wing, as the pterodactyl is a winged reptile (winged finger).

chiro: Hand from the study of chemistry, like chirality. -mancy: divine from, like necromancy.

hyper: above/beyond, like hyperactive. metro: I would think city first, but opia is used for eye related stuff, like myopia. Metric can be to do with distance.

I already know what genuflect means, genu is latin for something, and flect sounds like flex.

Pattern recognition stuff.
Peaked at level 42, falling sharply after that, now I'm oscillating between levels 36 and 38, with the last word being effloresce = bloom. A clear signal to stop.
quietfanatic said:
One can look for clues among what you already know, without knowing Greek or Latin. I don't know what the options were, but more clues:

ptero: Wing, as the pterodactyl is a winged reptile (winged finger).

chiro: Hand from the study of chemistry, like chirality. -mancy: divine from, like necromancy.

hyper: above/beyond, like hyperactive. metro: I would think city first, but opia is used for eye related stuff, like myopia. Metric can be to do with distance.

I already know what genuflect means, genu is latin for something, and flect sounds like flex.

Pattern recognition stuff.

Yeah, I know, any semi-competent English speaker has a pretty good grasp of basic Latin suffixes and prefixes. It's just that, regardless of being able to make an educated guess, I have NEVER seen any of those words before. EVER. And I have a pretty good diction :/
'Ye Olde Ynglyshe' words are a bitch.

I had ~41 until 300 grains, then it plummeted to 30 at 1000. Cripes.
Hm, I just got a "dissipated = morally unrestrained", but I'm sure I got past that several times before by clicking "stale". Though I think "dissolved" or "scattered" would fit better.

Also, I made 49 and got two more right after that before plunging down to 48 again.
Too bad a cup of rice is something like 7000+ grains. They should raise the reward to at least 25 grains per correct answer because it just takes way too long to accumulate a meaningful amount of rice.

[edit] disregard that. I can't remember where I got that figure from but I think it's wrong. :oops: [/edit]
Aye, arachnivore. Working on that site, I thought hte same thing. A massive bag of rice costs like 5 dollars. So in essence, we're contributing like .001 cents every word we get right.