Lets take a moment to feel a bit better today :)


Vat dipped, grown and still oozing with perfection
Hello everyone,
I have noticed over the past couple of days a great amount of insanity just bouncing around the forums. While some is or isn't well deserved I figured I'd start a thread for people to take a look at to hopefully boost their morale a bit.

Feel free to include your own happy stories or triumphs in this thread to hopefully perk up our members.
(Yes I know I cheated and took them all from one site, but bear with me I post while I'm at work.)






All I ask is that you all try to treat each other a little better, and focus more on the bright side of life :)
Have a wonderful day!
I might have joined just recently but I did not bring forth this insanity! I'm innocent I tell ya! You have nothing on me!

Okay so oh man I've just been pouring over Fallout 2 the last two days and I've been having an absolute blast. I still can't say it's better than Fallout 3 or New Vegas as I've been taking it slow. I haven't even gotten the GECK yet and I'm adolized by 70% of the game's towns. Real slow.

But the last thing I did today was getting the "treasure" from Broken Hills' well and oh boy I don't remember laughing so hard in ages. I even got a headache from it.

Poor Micky man, there really isn't an option to get him out. Not that I tried too hard...

Fallout 2 is shaping up to be one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had. Complicated too. I've had to use the wiki for some quests.

But man, poor Micky.
Oh oh! Teacher, I did good!

I figured out how to succesfully edit Fallout 2 maps using the BIS mapper last night. All on my own too. Didn't have to ask a single soul here.

That counts as a personal achievement right?

Still can't save protos though, even after creating the respective folder in the mapper :-?
My god that is the happiest organism I have ever seen.
To me that kitten is definitely scared and using a submissive body language... Body low to the ground, flattened ears, eyes shape, mouth shape...
I say it is actually scared by something or someone and is meowing for help from it's parents.
To me that kitten is definitely scared and using a submissive body language... Body low to the ground, flattened ears, eyes shape, mouth shape...
I say it is actually scared by something or someone and is meowing for help from it's parents.


Oh hey, even more l33tsp34k shitposts and random one-word-posts and general incoherence. I sent you the forum rules, you ignored them, this is now your third warning. Have a week-long ban.
Okay so let me get this straight this one post about a jar of mayo which is meant to be silly given ya know this whole forums about spreading some positive vibes I get how the other posts might be an "issue" or whatever but seriously this is where I draw the line? Either you have some sort of high opinion of yourself or you honestly just abuse power no matter the reason I think you're being outrageous here...
Okay so let me get this straight this one post about a jar of mayo which is meant to be silly given ya know this whole forums about spreading some positive vibes I get how the other posts might be an "issue" or whatever but seriously this is where I draw the line? Either you have some sort of high opinion of yourself or you honestly just abuse power no matter the reason I think you're being outrageous here...
Just to point out that l33tsp34k is against the rules of this site for almost 15 years now. It is even the first rule on the "rules of the forum" page:
Okay so let me get this straight this one post about a jar of mayo which is meant to be silly given ya know this whole forums about spreading some positive vibes I get how the other posts might be an "issue" or whatever but seriously this is where I draw the line? Either you have some sort of high opinion of yourself or you honestly just abuse power no matter the reason I think you're being outrageous here...
It was the final straw after being repeatedly told to stop. Your first batch of posts was nothing but generally unreadable incoherent bullshit. You were asked to stop, and you didn't. If you don't like it, fuck off.
But the ban apparently helped. I mean, you racked up three warning posts almost immediately, and I sent you a polite PM about the forum rules. You didn't give a shit, so you got a temp ban. Now you're back and you learned your lesson, apparently.
You think I'm a knob for letting you disregard the forum rules completely? Again, if you don't like it, fuck off.

Just to point out that l33tsp34k is against the rules of this site for almost 15 years now. It is even the first rule on the "rules of the forum" page:
I've sent him the rules explicitly in a PM, too. He was warned several times, and all he did was "put his favourite comments about him" in his profile header. You come to troll, you get banned. No surprises.
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