Letting Go of Fallout Editorial

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Crispy Gamer has an editorial up on nostalgia and how it can be better to let go. It's noticeable for using some of the most amusing argumentation ever:<blockquote>Somehow, lost within all of this concern was a simple fact to which I should have paid more attention: Oblivion, though not without its flaws, is the single best game that I have played in nearly four years. It's better than BioShock, better than Mass Effect, better than the Half-Life 2 episodes and certainly better than fun-but-less-inspired titles like Gears of War. It is, in fact, the best game I've played since the original Half-Life 2, which was in turn the best game I'd played since Deus Ex (released in 2000, and still my favorite game of all time). You may not put Oblivion on quite so high a pedestal, and that's an individual choice I won't begrudge you, but almost any rational gamer will admit that it's a fine example of the craft.</blockquote>Heh. But it gets better, right here when he admits he's not even seen it in action but loves it.<blockquote>I believe Fallout 3 is going to rock. I'm telling you this not because a developer asked me to, or because a publisher paid me to. I can't name a single member of the development team, nor do I have any further information than what is publicly available. I've never seen the game in action, and I know next to nothing about the plot. I work in the gaming industry, yes, but in this instance I am simply a gamer, analyzing what I know and what information is available to make a conclusion. I've spent time thinking about it, looking back on the experience of playing the first two titles (let's avoid talking about Fallout Tactics or Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, shall we?) and analyzing what I know about the people working on this latest installment, and I've come to my conclusion.</blockquote>Oh wow. I hope this article is actually a subtle joke, because thinking it is some kind of insightful view to jump to positive conclusions (based on the trailer and the facts that he loves Oblivion) rather than worry about the franchise you love is really, really short-sighted.

We've seen these straw men from posters before, but I never through the gaming media would resort to them. Honestly, guys, if you start thinking "but Oblivion rocked!" and "it's better to smile than to be sad" are good arguments, you need to rethink your editorial.

Crispy Gamer, in case you never heard of them, are famous for asking penetrating questions of developers like "Your games rock, how do you make your games so awesome?" and "How come no one else can make games as awesome as yours?"

You're going to have to excuse me if I have a hard time taking them seriously.

Link: Editorial: Letting Go of Fallout on Crispy Gamer.

Thanks CG-Prophet.

Sorry for the heavy editorializing in the newspost, readers, I know you don't like it, but when this kind of tripe is submitted to us as "thoughtful", and we're asked to take this kind of oft-repeated but seriously ill-thought argumentation seriously, I do so need to editorialize.
This actually fits with what my opinion has been from the beginning.
I place blame on bethesda, but I believe one of the biggest enemies of PC gaming in the foreseeable future is Joe Dumbass who lives down the street from you.
He wants games like oblivion for his xbox.
It just so turns out that there's a large population of Dumbasses out in the world today, much larger than the generally more sophisticated type of user it takes to know how to use a computer properly.
With developers now catering to the Dumbasses of the world, we really need emergent indie developers like iron tower to fulfill the need we as PC users have for sophisticated games.
I can't go to kotaku anymore without reading a quote from some jerkass company PR head touting how consoles are where it's at.
This attitude and these type of people are what I blame for our ills.
It just so happens that alot of the gaming media seem to be Dumbasses themselves.
Man, he even employed the "if you didn't like Oblivion you're not a rational gamer" fallacy.

I've never seen such tripe.

Crispy Gamer seems to be racing towards some kind of "idiotic industry brown noser" award.
No, no; it makes you have to laugh before the absolute insanity (as well as inanity) of their absurd "arguments." I had to do the same thing every day from about 2002 to 2006.
Somehow, lost within all of this concern was a simple fact to which I should have paid more attention: Oblivion, though not without its flaws, is the single best game that I have played in nearly four years. It's better than BioShock, better than Mass Effect, better than the Half-Life 2 episodes and certainly better than fun-but-less-inspired titles like Gears of War.


You sir, either have the mind of an oyster, or you have been smoking some of the most ungodliest shit that man has ever found. I've never seen a person enjoy a shit sandwich with that amount of veracity. I've given Oblivion a longggg playthrough (actually finished the main quest, and thensome). I've tried to enjoy it, seriously tried but even I can't deny that Bethesda fucked up royally on that one. Morrowind was leagues ahead of Oblivion; (which some people consider to suck as well)
Seriously, I'm actually offended by Crispy Gamer.

Nevermind this editorial, check out their mission statement:
Crispy Gamers have no tolerance for fan boy writers and reviews influenced by Big Media and big ad dollars. You hate site takeovers and pre-roll videos announcing another overhyped game coming soon. You want to hear it straight and unfiltered, having no time and money to waste playing bad games.

Wow, that's great

Now let's check out some of their hard-ball journalist questions.
From their BioWare interview

Crispy Gamer: How long have you been interested in role-playing, and how in god's name did you manage to produce Baldur's Gate, a title so far ahead of the competition at the time of its release that it instantly made your company the reigning regent of RPGs?

Crispy Gamer: From Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to Jade Empire and now Mass Effect for Xbox 360 and its upcoming PC version, how do you continue to produce such consistently superior results?

Crispy Gamer: What is it that BioWare seems to get about fantasy, sci-fi and role-playing titles that other companies seem to miss?

From their BioShock interview

Crispy Gamer: At best, writing is an afterthought in most games -- yet, BioShock features some truly terrific writing. [Editor's note: It won the Best Writing Award at this year's Game Developer Choice Awards.] Tell me a little about the writing process involved in BioShock.

Crispy Gamer: During the development of BioShock, was there a sense that you were making a balls-out, transcendent piece of software here?


What. The. Fuck.

Those are some of the most brown-nosed, sucking-up questions I've ever seen.

I'm seriously very insulted that they claim to be hard-balling, honest journalists. They ask a bunch of fanboy questions and then dare to claim they "roasted" the interviewee? That's insulting, some of us have to actually work to ask actual tough questions instead of that tripe.

I've told them as much through their feedback form. Doubt it'll have any effect. Crispy Gamer looks like another suck-up fanboy site a la Eurogamer or Gamespy. I wish they wouldn't lie about it, though. Don't claim to be something you're not.
Oblivion, though not without its flaws, is the single best game that I have played in nearly four years. It's better than BioShock, better than Mass Effect, better than the Half-Life 2 episodes and certainly better than fun-but-less-inspired titles like Gears of War

Gears of War, if you look at its design in-depth, is actually a very inspired and innovative title. However it is not an RPG, it is a completely different type of game - a streamlined, distilled to perfection cinematic cooperative play SHOOTER. Clearly, it was MADE to be a blast in co-op. I love it, love it for what it is but it can never replace a single-player RPG.

The mere fact that this guy compares Oblivion to HL2 and Gears Of War... Jesus H. Moses, how much of an ignoramus can one get ?

HL2 and Deus Ex aren't the same type of game, either. He's got it all mixed up together in his puny inferior brain.
Oh, this guy is good. This officially made my day (and right before i go to sleep, too!), hell, this officially made my next day, and day after that as well, it's how good this guy is.

Really. That's a fantastic piece. I watch a lot of videos, read a whole darn lot of text, on the monitor, or on the paper, but this.. this takes the fucking cake. It rolls with golden chains. It's made of hemo and win. I'm gonna lay low in this guy's toilet and wait for him to jerk off or something, so i can steal some of his sperm and make my woman pregnant with it, so i will have his child.

Lo and behold, he's the most hilarious man alive. Pay some god-damn, well earned respect to this living legend.


He's so hilarious it feels like my lungs are filling with napalm. I need to stop reading this over and over again, or else i'm gonna wake my neighbours. Or choke. On dead, burning ants. ANTSSSS.

:clap: :o
Truly sad, and comical although I am not sure which of the two it leans more for.

No true insight on F3, just played Oblivion and "poof" anything after that from the gods at Bethesda is guaranteed to be amazing.
Madbringer said:
Oh, this guy is good. This officially made my day (and right before i go to sleep, too!), hell, this officially made my next day, and day after that as well, it's how good this guy is.

Really. That's a fantastic piece. I watch a lot of videos, read a whole darn lot of text, on the monitor, or on the paper, but this.. this takes the fucking cake. It rolls with golden chains. It's made of hemo and win. I'm gonna lay low in this guy's toilet and wait for him to jerk off or something, so i can steal some of his sperm and make my woman pregnant with it, so i will have his child.

Lo and behold, he's the most hilarious man alive. Pay some god-damn, well earned respect to this living legend.


He's so hilarious it feels like my lungs are filling with napalm. I need to stop reading this over and over again, or else i'm gonna wake my neighbours. Or choke. On dead, burning ants. ANTSSSS.

:clap: :o

I'm confused, which guy are we talking about here? :question:
Well at first I thought Chris Buecheler was kidding around. Then I read on and on. Lets just say I lost all respect for the man. Oblivion wasn't that good at all, it was shit. Yes I did play it with a open mind, forced myself to play it. Since Fallout 3 is being made by same people that made Oblivion. Well, patches and mods still didn't save it from being the most wasted time of my life. :roll:
that he thinks The Empty Scrolls: Oblivious is "the best game evar!" is his problem and his right, but at least he could have used some decent arguments to build his case in the rest of the article. it's downright retarded.
Man I can't believe anyone actually could say such bullshit - it's too retareded to be true.
Well, Oblivion wasn't that bad. But it also wasn't that good... I played it a while and it was okay, but I wouldn't want to play it again.
I don't see how anyone rational could think that beating the same hellrift over and over, and then doing the same repetitive quests for a dozen different factions, can possibly compare to the scripted beauty that is the Half Life 2 series.

If this guy really thinks Oblivion is the best game he has played in 4 years I feel really bad for him. Yes, it's true that Joe Gamer in 2008 may be more interested in 5 minute slabs of action, but that does not mean that PC gamers aren't a viable community who want games with depth. Civ 4, GalCiv 2, Sins of a Solar Empire, these are recent games with crazy amounts of depth that also sold very well.

I wish I could think of an RPG to add to that list. Hopefully one day soon a developer will capitalize on the story focused single player RPG market that we all know still exists.