Letting Go of Fallout Editorial

cwbuecheler said:
I won't spend an excessive amount of words defending myself here, because I don't think I'm likely to change anyone's mind
There is no defending that article you wrote. It's garbage. No offense.
cwbuecheler said:
Also for the record, I don't think people who dislike Oblivion are irrational - I think that people who insist it's a bad game because they dislike it are acting irrationally
The people who insist it is a bad game, back up their arguments. Which you failed to do in your argument, declaring it the best game of the past 4 years. You also claimed it was better than a litany of other titles, for which you gave no explanation.
cwbuecheler said:
I hate Rush, for example, but insisting they're a bad band would be rather foolish in the face of their popularity and critical acclaim.
Not if you back up the argument.
If there's one thing I learned in life, telling Fallout fans to let go of their favorite game is like telling a Sega fan to let go of any hopes for another Shenmue game, or telling me to give up hope for another Daytona USA game. You can do it, but the results won't be pretty. And the guy who's telling them to let go is most likely wrong.

I'd go into further detail, but I don't want to derail this thread... :)
Woo Dreamcast in '09!

Sorry I couldn't resist the spiral, I actually have 2 here in my place and I wouldn't trade them for all the wealth in the world! (Plus a binder as thick as my forearm and the same square dimensions of a night table stuffed with games! Last count was just under 400 disks including various indy projects :P)
Wow Mord_Sith, I guess the Dreamcast is still pretty much alive.
I think I must also have one somewhere.

Well as for Fallout, I still hope that by some chance the franchise is 'liberated' from Bethesda and gets in the hands of Obsidian who then can finally finish Van Buren.
Simeon said:
This actually fits with what my opinion has been from the beginning.
I place blame on bethesda, but I believe one of the biggest enemies of PC gaming in the foreseeable future is Joe Dumbass who lives down the street from you.
He wants games like oblivion for his xbox.
It just so turns out that there's a large population of Dumbasses out in the world today, much larger than the generally more sophisticated type of user it takes to know how to use a computer properly.
With developers now catering to the Dumbasses of the world, we really need emergent indie developers like iron tower to fulfill the need we as PC users have for sophisticated games.
I can't go to kotaku anymore without reading a quote from some jerkass company PR head touting how consoles are where it's at.
This attitude and these type of people are what I blame for our ills.
It just so happens that alot of the gaming media seem to be Dumbasses themselves.

Your comment reminds me of this movie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiocracy

As for that retarded bit from Crispy Gamer, it sure makes me appreciate what NMA puts out for news a lot more.
Ahh Buecheler, you made the fatal mistake, lad. Coming to NMA to defend yourself. If you would have asked me, I could have told you it was folly and saved you some trouble.

At any rate, while I do think your editorial was a bit lacking in depth, it IS an editorial. You have a right to your opinion. I personally didn't hate Oblivion. Overall, I enjoyed playing the game. I enjoyed it until I got to the end of the main quest and found that my sense of purpose was entirely gone beyond decorating my nice houses in various towns. As I didn't follow the development of Oblivion, I don't have as much to be disappointed about as some here do.

Having played both Fallout games years ago, I developed a sort of love affair with them. Perhaps not as deep as some on this forum, but I really love those games. But understand it is a LOVE for the game. Its characters, choices, and game dynamic. So when you ask these people to love a sequel which isn't even CLOSE to resembling the games they love, don't be suprised when they try to bite you.
you made the fatal mistake, lad. Coming to NMA to defend yourself. If you would have asked me, I could have told you it was folly and saved you some trouble

I, for one, am glad he didn't take the Something Awful smug attitude of "I can never be in the wrong and don't need to defend myself to anyone". Why is coming here such a "fatal mistake", because he will face rational (if endless) arguments?

Fallout fans take so much unjustified hate it's ridiculous. Since the man posted here, he took less personal attacks than he would almost anywhere else on the net, much less "the internets, lulz" which is inhabited by all sorts of truly rabid fanboys. Hell, Zelda fans bitch to this day about Wind Waker simply because of the art style, so they whined until Nintendo finally gave them the Ocarina of Time facsimile they wanted so badly. And somehow it's still Fallout fans who are pegged as the backwards, close-minded ones who want rehashes instead of new games, a bizarre online bandwagon on which his editorial jumped head-on.

You have a right to your opinion

So do we, and his editorial is basically telling everyone that think it will suck to shut up because it is an irrational position, without so much as a good justification for that. Not that Fallout fans don't get that a lot, but it does get old.
Zaptoman said:
At any rate, while I do think your editorial was a bit lacking in depth, it IS an editorial. You have a right to your opinion.

That's not actually the point of editorials

At least no in professional media

We all have opinions. Not all of us write editorials for professional media.
That's not actually the point of editorials

At least no in professional media

I think gc051360 said it best, what you just said,
It's garbage. No offense.
Editorials are opinions. Plain and simple.

Main Entry:

: a newspaper or magazine article that gives the opinions of the editors or publishers; also : an expression of opinion that resembles such an article <a>

Hope that was rational enough.
Chippers said:
Editorials are opinions. Plain and simple.

Huh, sure, what did you think I thought editorials were, magic?

But editorials are intended to be thought-provoking or insightful, not just really long forum post-quality pieces.

Like I said, we all have opinions, that doesn't mean we should all be writing them down as editorials. That's what I meant, editorials aren't about "just saying what you think" or "we all have opinions"-level stuff.

This kind of tripe is not fit for print, as one would put it.