Leveling guide

Humpsalot said:
Very interesting Kashrlyyk, I'll see if I can dissect your math and see what gives you most points.

One thing entirely ignored by me are skill books and the 13 bottle thingies, you can find. How much does a skill book and the other item add to a skill?
A bobblehead adds 10 points to a skill or 1 point to a stat. There is one per stat/skill.

Books add 1 point, or 2 if you have Educated.
Sander said:
A bobblehead adds 10 points to a skill or 1 point to a stat. There is one per stat/skill.

Books add 1 point, or 2 if you have Educated.

So with 4 maxed skills the bobblehead would free up another 40 points to put elsewhere.

For books it completly depends on how often they are. But since Fallout 3 plays in a city, they might not be that rare. So how many books are in the game? :)

According to http://uk.xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/fallout-3/924240p2.html : "There are hundreds of skill books to find in the Capital Wasteland...."


There are 6 perks with three ranks each that increase skills. Using all perks on them would increase 10 skills by 15 and one skill by 45. Not increased are Energy weapons and unarmed. With an average starting value of 19 those 10 skills would have an average value of 34 and Big Guns 64. Increasing them to 90 points would cost 10*56 + 26: 586 points
With 17 points per level up he would have 323 at the end. Increasing to 90 in Big Guns would leave 297 points, another 5 skills at 90, with 17 spare points.
Replacing one of the +5 ranks with Tag and another with Educated increase that to 70 spare points. (17-10+16*3+15)
That is another skill at 90.
So without books seven skills at 90 points and 14 points left. Bobbleheads increase them to 100.

Of course increasing intelligence to max early on, if it isn´t already at 10, could give even more skill points. Another thing to consider is: Are skills at 100 points needed for quests? How big is the difference between 90 and 100?
Kuj2 said:
Isn't this just like setting some characters to immortal just because they're crucial? Stupid idea.

Of witch all 3 Fallout games suffer from.

How about the story reconstructing itself sort of like Far Cry 2 ?!
If you find 11 books comprehension will pay off over "gun nut" or similar 5 and 5 perk, 16 for the big gun one, and 31 for the neutral speech thing, if you want to count that.
If you find 11 books comprehension will pay off over "gun nut" or similar 5 and 5 perk, 16 for the big gun one, and 31 for the neutral speech thing, if you want to count that.
Not really true, since the books don't give you a free skill point. If you find an unarmed book that won't really do you much good, unless you like using unarmed.
Sander said:
If you find 11 books comprehension will pay off over "gun nut" or similar 5 and 5 perk, 16 for the big gun one, and 31 for the neutral speech thing, if you want to count that.
Not really true, since the books don't give you a free skill point. If you find an unarmed book that won't really do you much good, unless you like using unarmed.
Yes, it really depends on what books you find and what skills you are using. But it will save skill points in most cases, increasing the amount of skills with 90 points in it. And you can save up the books, until the comprehension skill is better than one of the +5 perks and then choose the perk.

Thanks to you both we know now that skill points is Int+10. So with 20 skillpoints per level up from the start, we would have another 57 skill points at lvl 20. I used my calculations four posts above. The resulting 71 points would increase another skill close to 90.
Can someone confirm that you can raise 8 (one of them ist Big Guns) skills close to 90 without skill books?

It is said all over the reviews that it is not an FPS. But how fast do you raise small weapons and after that Big Guns to max? Size Matters is available at level 8, which basically means at level 10 it is maxed out. At level 4 small weapons can have base+15(Tag)+15(Gun Nuts)+books+3*levelup skill points+maybe bobblehead.
That is: base+63 to 90+books+bobbleheads!!!!
For Big Guns it would be: base+48 to 75+books+bobblehead.
So at level 4 it can turn into a FPS with limited ammunition?

(63= 3*11+15+15 and 90=3*20+15+15)
Sander said:
Kashrlyyk said:
Kuj2 said:
That's not even connected to my statement. You're talking about values, and I rather mean general usefulness - like Small Guns in FO2, along with Lockpick and Speech, while I often tagged Steal instead of Lockpick. 'Cause I thought it's useful. Well, it is, but it's not even close to being as useful as Lockpick. And you need a game to learn that.

I would say the first question is related to your post: What usefullness of "Small weapons" do you expect?
How many Small Guns are there, are they useful throughout the entire game or only in the beginning of the game, how available are they, are they quickly surpassed bu different weapons etc. etc. etc.

For instance, Throwing was pretty useless in the original games, simply because there weren't an infinite amount of throwing weapons, and they weren't that practical in combat.

Small Guns are far more useful then Big Guns. Ammo is plentiful for most, and the majority do enough damage for you to blow through the game on normal.

However, as stupid as the Fatman is, it's always nice to have when you're facing off against tons of Supermutants. The minigun is ok, but eats up ammo quickly, and the only really useful big gun is the Flamethrower, since ammo for that is actually somewhat easy to find.

Energy weapons are decent too. Laser Rifles do a pretty good amount of damage, and energy cells aren't too hard to come by. Plus I do believe Laser Rifles receive bonus damage against certain enemies.
This is an ok starter build for a well rounded character at about level 11 or 12. But I will work on more focused builds at a later time.

On a similar note speech and charisma seem pretty bad so far, everyone hates me until i do quests for them or talk really nice to them. And any speech option I have come across with [Charisma] as an option also have [Intelligence] as an option.

Also has anyone found any use out of "Child at heart" I only have gotten a code to steal from someones safe off the female kid in megaton. Simm's kid wont talk to me and I didn't find a kid in Rivet city that will talk to me either. Has anyone gotten an extra quest off a kid, hopefully a extra quest that gives you a good reward.
RBurns722 claims to have found 40 skill books so far ( 40 skill books ). So comprehension seems to be extremely superior to any one rank of skill perks. Now we are close to 9 maxed skills?

The starting values and stats it depends on:
Barter 15 Cha
Big Guns 17 En
Energy 13 Per
Explosives 13 Per
Lockpick 13+Tag Per
Medicine 19+Tag In
Melee 16 St
Repair 19+Tag In
Science 19 In
Small Weapons 19 Ag
Sneak 19 Ag
Speech 15 Cha
Unarmed 17 St

Starting stats effect on the skills could be: 5 + 2 * stat and for melee 10+stat and unarmed 11+stat.

He then would have 5 in Luck and Charisma, 4 in Perception, 6 in Endurance and Strength and 7 in Intelligence and Agility.
Kashrlyyk said:
RBurns722 claims to have found 40 skill books so far ( 40 skill books ). So comprehension seems to be extremely superior to any one rank of skill perks. Now we are close to 9 maxed skills?
There are 25 books for each individual skill, as well as a +10 bobblhead for each. So if you wanted to be a completionist, you could easily push all skills to 100 with Int of 4 and Comprehension perk.

You can also find +1 Luck, +1 Endurance, +1 Str/Per (mutually exclusive) and probably another couple of stat boosts outside of the Intense Training perk (which is just simply better than most of the non-level-req'd perks, as they're just crummy little skill boosts.)

Having a high Luck and Agi early in is preferable, Luck 8 and Agi 8-9 would allow you to cap both, and Luck is a HUGE difference in random encounter quality and rarity.
in addition to the bobblehead there is another +10 speech item that you get for
helping harold in oasis any way other than roasting him with a flamer
Kashrlyyk said:
Starting stats effect on the skills could be: 5 + 2 * stat and for melee 10+stat and unarmed 11+stat.

On my Charisma 1 Luck 6 character, my starting Speech/Barter are 7. It seems the starting base skill level is actually 3 instead of a typically nice round number like 5.

http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_SPECIAL said:
Initial Values (Fallout 3): (2 x AssociatedStat) + (Luck * 4/9) + 3 [rounded down]

Given that you can also add +2 to your Luck via a bobblehead and a quest, unless you absolutely need that last 1% chance to critically strike, no more than 7 Luck is needed at character creation. 9, after bobblehead and quest, will give you 4 to all skills and 9% chance to critically hit. 10 Luck will only add 1% more critical strike chance.
Mapex said:
Kashrlyyk said:
Starting stats effect on the skills could be: 5 + 2 * stat and for melee 10+stat and unarmed 11+stat.

On my Charisma 1 Luck 6 character, my starting Speech/Barter are 7. It seems the starting base skill level is actually 3 instead of a typically nice round number like 5.

http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_SPECIAL said:
Initial Values (Fallout 3): (2 x AssociatedStat) + (Luck * 4/9) + 3 [rounded down]

Given that you can also add +2 to your Luck via a bobblehead and a quest, unless you absolutely need that last 1% chance to critically strike, no more than 7 Luck is needed at character creation. 9, after bobblehead and quest, will give you 4 to all skills and 9% chance to critically hit. 10 Luck will only add 1% more critical strike chance.
Also, if you answer Moira's quest questions in the correct manner, you can get a 3% critical chance boost, rather than damage reduction, hitpoints, or skill bonuses.
Took played a lot of Fallout 3, and now read most of the guide and I am trying out a new build. now that I know a lot more about the game there really isn't a decision in how to play, only combat. Basically my new build and leveling perks are as such: charisma 1, fuck child at heart, and am still trying to figure out if there are any Unique weapons from Lawbringer/contract killer, guide says no, but guide also says you can not rig the election in Republic of dave, which i did, and in the walkthrough didn't mention the lucky eightball from big town (though it was in the appendix). But I'll have a better guide out for everyone within a day or 2.


S 5 or 6
P 3
E 7
C 1
I 9 or 10
A 9
L 5 or 6

Get perception up to 4 at lvl 2 with IT, get ant sight to get it to 5, go to capital of dave to get it to 6 with bobblehead

Charisma is worthless doesn't change anyones opinion of you, only karma and the speech options you choose and actions you do. Even speech options don't change anyone much.

Luck only 5 because, Ranger Battle Armor you get via a quest gives you luck +1, also ap 5 small guns 10 and 39 DR AKA best armor in game and you can get it pretty quick, pick the armor because you can steal the "2 of a kind" minigun from Baker called Eugene (its 2 of a kind because you get pick this as quest reward and steal one. Starts at Museum of history from a human, Reily. Lucky Shades plus 1 luck (haven't found where to get these only that they are in the appendix of unique items), Bobblehead plus 1 luck. And 3 dogs headband gives you 1 luck too. That = 10 plus finesse is 5 plus vats is 15% and ninja if you go melee = 45% crital chance and all guns and weapons give 1-4 crit. Answer snidely to all of the wasteland guide book questions and do all the optional objectives and that is 3 more crit. Thats anywhere from 49% to 52% crit chance melee. And 34-37 ranged.

havent tested out but quick run down of what i think im going to suggest perkwise for a combat character (because there really is no other option to play whole game with) on Hard difficulty.

BW, IT perception, Educated, Comprehension, Bloodymess (yes i know you hate me, but 5% extra dmg), Toughness, Scrounger, Commando, Finesse, Strong back, Sniper, Pyro (flamer is nice versus brutes and masters), Lawbringer (trying to read around see if anyone got unique anything out of this) Cyborg (with this and toughness that is 20% Dr with is useful at hard and very hard difficulty) Action boy, better critticals, and for 18 and 19 pick between Tag/Silent Runner/Life giver/Demo exper and for 20 Grim Reaper.

Then later I will make a melee guide.

Edit: Only way to get 3 dogs head wrap is to kill him, if you don't want to do that take a point from intelligence and put it in luck. Then make sure to get to Rivit city ASAP to get the INT bobble head.

And the lucky shades are on some manquin somewhere just google "lucky shades" and "the vault"
can somebody please explain quick n dirty which influence statspoints on weapons have? a high skill in small guns helps where? only in vats? accuarcy only or damage only?
anybody know how much points are worth spending? is 100 a waste, assuming it only helps in vats/accuarcy?
Roflcore said:
can somebody please explain quick n dirty which influence statspoints on weapons have? a high skill in small guns helps where? only in vats? accuarcy only or damage only?
anybody know how much points are worth spending? is 100 a waste, assuming it only helps in vats/accuarcy?

Affects damage in real time, damage in vats, acuracy in real time, accuracy in vats. Get 50, then wait for book, bobble heads, and Ranger battle armor to get you to around 100. 50 and 60 do enough damage and is pretty good accuracy to bet by just fine.

Same thing with energy weapons, get to 50, then use bobbleheads cyborg and books get you the rest of the way.
Hm that is strange, I haven't invested a single point in any sort of weaponskill (level 6), but having no propblem at all as long as the durability of a weapon is fine. strike criticals often though. do you have your readings from the console? any clear numbers on damage/acuracy increase?
That is what Bethesda said themselves, but they already said, that accuracy isn´t changed much by weaponskills. It would be really bad if the damage increase is neglegtable too.