John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes

More like everyone else is just more Communist. I'm right smack dab in the middle.
John Uskglass said:More like everyone else is just more Communist. I'm right smack dab in the middle.
calculon000 said:So.....
No...there' NO!Closest political figure: Gerhard Schröder
quietfanatic said:calculon000 said:So.....
Add me please!
Is this going to turn into another "World at night: Where are you?"?DirtyDreamDesigner said:Yeah, add us, add us.
John Uskglass said:No fucking way is George W that close to Hitler or even beyond him, that's fucking crazy.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterparteiPutting George W. far to the right of Hitler seems about right, since Hitler's economic policies were pretty centrist/mild right.
Idiocy? Morons? It's a bad test because it pegged Lauren as a Eduard Bernstein-style Socialist as me as close to Gethard?I'm not sure why George W. is placed above Thatcher and Berlusconi and so close to Hitler.
Fortunatley, it has not involved mocking democracies as being fundementally weak, slaughtering political opponents and being hell bent on territorial expansion to freindly neighbors and ethnic genocide.They must be focusing on a lot of his semi-legit anti-terrorist lawgiving, which is pretty damn authoritarian
John Uskglass said:Idiocy? Morons? It's a bad test because it pegged Lauren as a Eduard Bernstein-style Socialist as me as close to Gethard?
John Uskglass said:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
John Uskglass said:I know, I know, after the Night of Long Knives the socialists where rare, but they still had a pretty fundementally non-Free Market economy. But it was neither socialist nor capitalist but as Mousillini himself described it a 'third way'.
John Uskglass said:Fortunatley, it has not involved mocking democracies as being fundementally weak, slaughtering political opponents and being hell bent on territorial expansion to freindly neighbors and ethnic genocide.
Lauren said:Please leave me out of your socio-political fantasies.
John Uskglass said:I took it again and this is more accurate. Sorry to make you redo it.
Economic Left/Right: 3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.08