"Chi", "lifeforce" and "energy" are just ambiguous phrases describing complex concepts like muscle tension, health and neuro-electric signals. They're very much physical and there's nothing magical in it at all.
I agree in a sense. Yes, such concepts can be explained in terms of biological function. This doesn't really mean that one can't regard these things as spiritual however. For example take a 'near-death experience'. You can explain it in terms of neurochemistry but that does not answer why it is occurring and what, if anything this signifies. You are attributing a mechanism to a process - this does not, in itself make the process devoid of purpose. Unless you are a nihilist of course.
It's very easy to remove meaning from things when you can explain how they are occurring. Humans have a fetish for the unknown and we tend to give unknown occurrences higher priority than those we
can understand. This isn't necessarily a good, or a correct thing to do.
Personally i believe there is a lot more to the Cosmos than we can or will ever begin to fathom. There are things going on which affect us but we either do not notice or do not understand. My best guess
is that you probably are right and in the cases of things like Chi there really is no meaning, other than that which we give it. The same probably goes for death, i would hazard that when we die that is it.
Human attributed meaning can be very significant however. Whilst presumably not objective, (Unless your into solipsism and all that jazz) there can be no doubt that to those who practice Chi, it means an awful lot and probably has a significant impact on their mental and physical well being. Lots of things we call meaningful or purposeful only really have a meaning or purpose we have given them; this doesn't make them any less significant to us in this life however.
I don't pretend to know the answers to these questions; all i can do is spaculate. i would agree with the 'live today, tomorrow you may be dead' philosophy spouted above. If you do that, within reason, you probably won't go too far wrong whatever the logos is.