Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous AAA Elite

Did you do your research on the half-life of Bismuth? You should find it interesting.
Not really all that interesting. As with most heavy elements the half lifes of the various isotopes range between minutes and "longer than the universe will likely exist", aka basically stable (as it was thought to be, until some french dude found that it was actually radioactive).
Now stop fucking around and tell me what's so interesting.
Oh, we playing another game of DirtyOldShoe says vague things, and expects us to come to the same far out conclusions he did from them.

Yay, this is like the Google Unlocked thread all over again.
I am not sure what the fuck am I reading here, but I sure as hell don't want this thread to stop. Carry on, men.
Goddamnit, I still want to know where this is going! There's nothing I love more than laymen trying to lecture me on physics...
Are we talking about Jebus riding dinosaurs? Clearly the Leviathan was not a Hippo but a giant T-Rex. Read your Bible dickheads.
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you guys dismiss everything that doesn't fit your narrative.
You haven't even given me anything to dismiss yet! You better fucking tell me ASAP what the hell you were getting at with bismuth, and do it without any fucking cryptic "Have you done your research on bismuth's half life" and whatnot. I think I can handle all the science you'll throw at me, so just fucking do it. So sick and tired of your needlessly drawn out cryptic bollocking. Try pulling that off again and I'll just fucking ban you*

*Disclaimer: I'll probably not just ban you unless your bismuth thing is something incredibly trivial that you'll tell me not to dismiss because all my education is flawed.
Diarrhea can be treated by bismuth since it kills the shit-stirring bacteria, according to medical websites.
Did I win? (Y/N)
Anyone else find the colour pink interesting?

Really shows a lot about the world.

I'm not going to say what it says about the world, you all have to research it and hope to come up with a vague, semi-relevant to what I had in mind answer, because I can't be bothered to explain it to you.