Liver pills turn black man white

Dunno, but after what happened to Michael Jackson's nose after being bleached, one can wonder about the side effects.
I don't know whether to cry or to laugh about this. Someone should give these pills to Elissar, since his constant denial of being black clearly shows he's unhappy with the fact.
Ratty said:
I don't know whether to cry or to laugh about this. Someone should give these pills to Elissar, since his constant denial of being black clearly shows he's unhappy with the fact.

Funny you say that...Ive been hear only a few months and read his posts only a little when he was busy here the first month...yet I did get the impression that he's black.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

The Vault Dweller
Damnit, I hate you ratling.

I am about as white as you can get.... And sick to boot.

How can you bastards pick on a sickly, overworked soldier who cant sleep half the time because of the pain in his arm from this fucking smallpox vaccination.... I swear.... one more night with only 3 hours of sleep and i'm going to kill somoeone... most likely ratty...

Enough rambleing.

Elissar - I'm not black damnit, and i have the penis to prove it.
Avation, CH-47D Crew Chief.

Now, we really need to stop derailing this topic.

(damn you ratty)
PsychoSniper said:
Why not just put that in your sig?
It applies to almost all your posts recently.
Are you afraid of putting some content in them, or do you not want to fall behind in the postcount rankings?

Damn, I should stop getting so annoyed by spam.
He's right, Psychosniper. Keep your spam off the GD forum. You have the Order for that. :wink: