Yeah the hexagon does seem to be at the end of the "divided" part of the Divide, going from East to West at least. According to Ulysses he wants to "Show you what happened there" which I'm guessing is either a reference to something pre-war or what happened with the NCR company he was infiltrating.
Edit: We also know that there's nothing at the Divide, just like there's nothing at the Sierra Madre and nothing at the Big Empty.
No, the Old World rests at the Divide just like it rested at the Madre and Big MT, but rather than being graveyards of Old World misery like them the Divide is the last remaining hope of the brighter future envisioned in the Old World. Maybe the Courier will be the unwitting villain in all this, with Ulysses the hero? Ulysses protected the world from Elijah by sending him to the Madre, he definitely isn't a bad guy.
Edit: I just laughed at the thought of someone at Obsidian reading this and going "Oh shit, oh shit, they figured out already?" even though I'm probably lightyears off from guessing what's actually going to happen.
Edit: But if I am right you will all worship me as your prophet.
Edit: We also know that there's nothing at the Divide, just like there's nothing at the Sierra Madre and nothing at the Big Empty.

No, the Old World rests at the Divide just like it rested at the Madre and Big MT, but rather than being graveyards of Old World misery like them the Divide is the last remaining hope of the brighter future envisioned in the Old World. Maybe the Courier will be the unwitting villain in all this, with Ulysses the hero? Ulysses protected the world from Elijah by sending him to the Madre, he definitely isn't a bad guy.
Edit: I just laughed at the thought of someone at Obsidian reading this and going "Oh shit, oh shit, they figured out already?" even though I'm probably lightyears off from guessing what's actually going to happen.
Edit: But if I am right you will all worship me as your prophet.