Lore Reason for the Luck of the Protagonist and their Capabilities

This made me imagine the Overseer just continuously sending residents out one by one until they return with the water chip.

Actually the overseer did send others before you. There is one character in followers of appocalypse who confirm this. The overseer just doesn't want others to know he never lets them inside again. You are the only one who successfully finds the water chip.
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There are at least three to be found in the game; two are dead. The first is dead at the door to vault 13, the second is dead in the cell at the Mariposa base.
Was Jacoren just exceptionally incompetent? I can't think of any justifiable reason for his actions. Sending out undesirables on "scouting" missions I understand but for something as critical as the water chip - why?
It's fairly realistic, idiotic incompetence seems to be a requirement for managerial positions everywhere.
It's fairly realistic, idiotic incompetence seems to be a requirement for managerial positions everywhere.

I'm not saying it isn't realistic and he shows incompetence elsewhere. His voice direction supports it too - I was just wondering if that was the "canon" reason I guess.
Altho Vault-tecs outright evil was stablished in canon afterwards, it kinda falls in line with their usual MO. I mean, look at the dude, would you trust someone with that Hair and beard combo?
Altho Vault-tecs outright evil was stablished in canon afterwards, it kinda falls in line with their usual MO. I mean, look at the dude, would you trust someone with that Hair and beard combo?

I think all three of the preset characters have good reasons for both being sent out to get the chip and also for getting rid of them but it feels weirder for my normal "average vault joe" RP

Although I forget that the Memoirs clarify they drew straws.