Lost & found: alternative attack animations

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The Russian site gdor.fallout-archives.com has dug up some attack animations from the depths of the Fallout 2 CD. One is an unfinished attack with the pole of the spear that was finished only for vault-suit clad people. The other is, well, Mr Handy with big guns.

Revealed by Rob_dM and Nameless One.

Link: unused animations from Fallout.
The Mr. Handy with Minigun looks a little bit (?) different, but it is ingame - so he can wear the minigun in Fallout 1 and 2.

/Edit: Nice, at least the plasma thing works in Fallout 2 too! I tested it. :)
Lexx said:
The Mr. Handy with Minigun looks a little bit (?) different, but it is ingame - so he can wear the minigun in Fallout 1 and 2.

/Edit: Nice, at least the plasma thing works too! :)
In the VATS there was a Mr. Handy. Didn't he carry a minigun? I think I remember a Mr. Handy carrying a minigun somewhere. Where was it?
Yep. In Fallout 1. But the AI script isn't really aggressive, so he didn't use it really often.
Lexx said:
Yep. In Fallout 1. But the AI script isn't really aggressive, so he didn't use it really often.
To my knowledge, he wasn't *able* to use it at all.
I don't know, but it is possible, that he can use it. Maybe with other script or so. At first I wanted to include Mr. Handy in my mod too, so in the first versions I was killed really often by him... but deleted it later because it didn't really fit into the setting.
I've never encountered Mr. Handies that used their miniguns. I think that they would be pretty interesting.
Well, the Mr. Handys I tested with its standard scripts where cowards. ;) The most time they "run" away.
SuAside said:
fucking hell, those Mr Handys look nasty

You're absolutely right.

I remember killing a few Mr. Handy's that did have a gatling gun and ammo on them and asking myself "Can they use these?". I figured they couldn't since they always engage me in many hands-to-hand combat and never equipped or fired the gatling guns.

The Vault Dweller
Amazing! Spear attack animation looks really cool. Maybe animation was done for all critters, but it wasn't included in final release. Who knows how many of graphics stuff wasn't used...
Continuum said:
Maybe animation was done for all critters, but it wasn't included in final release.
Those guys who've these animations wrote that spear attack animation was made only for vault suit critters
SuAside said:
fucking hell, those Mr Handys look nasty
:D It's amazing how they changed their characters from innocent home help that walks the dog to menacing bad-ass killer robots :D .

I wonder if there's any way to bring back those animations into Fallout...
Sorrow said:
:D It's amazing how they changed their characters from innocent home help that walks the dog to menacing bad-ass killer robots :D

It's his "eye" I guess :) it's sooo evil :twisted:
Morbus said:
Lexx said:
The Mr. Handy with Minigun looks a little bit (?) different, but it is ingame - so he can wear the minigun in Fallout 1 and 2.

/Edit: Nice, at least the plasma thing works too! :)
In the VATS there was a Mr. Handy. Didn't he carry a minigun? I think I remember a Mr. Handy carrying a minigun somewhere. Where was it?

*You're right Morbus. In the VATS, a Mr Handy in a room full of super mutants... at the Lieutenant's level from what I remember. There's a minigun in its inventory, and yes it can't use it.

P.S=> Really great animations!
Hmm.. I wonder why nobody looked for such things before.

With Vampire:Bloodlines it didn't take 10 years until someone found not-implemented-but-available content.
Well, I don't know if somebody recognise it, but before a while I had this Mr. Handy as forum avatar. ;)
