Move To The Center
Move To The Center
SuAside, you are correct. 'Boot Camp' is the new Mac software available, I think it's offered free 'beta' by Apple. It is a recent arrival.
The 'Power Mac' G4 processor had run it's useful, or rather, competitive course, especially for lap tops. Faster G4's were deemed too hot for the already infamous reputation of Power Book's to radiate uncomfortable levels of BTU's , too hot for the unprotected lap, i believe.
Mine sits on a (air) cooler stand so it can breathe.
Motorola and IBM had no new CPU development to offer, so enter Intel.
A dual bootable Mac platform was not possible until the move to the Intel Dual Processor. I think that's been in the last year.
Mac has been moving to exploit PC hardware for years. Now the CPU will be 'generic'. The world wide hardware market, economy of scale, has helped bust another proprietary monopoly. RAM is RAM, a hard drive - a hard drive. Common external interfaces: USB, firewire, ethernet, wireless.
In the Motorola Mac days, 8-chip / thirty pin RAM and Mac SCSI hard drives were ridiculously over priced. i think that Amiga's disappeared sooner because they had the same expensive CPU's, RAM, and SCSI hardware as Mac's. WTF. PC SCSI was some times 2 hundred dollars cheaper for the similar generic SCSI hard drive.
RECALL, the PC's of that era were nobody's sweet heart either. The marketers' consensus, the GROUP THINK was to exploit proprietary hardware. To this day I think Dell and HP want one hundred dollars labor (?) if you want a warren-teed RAM expansion beyond what they packaged in their factory. Right? If you stray outside of the mass produced bundle you generate enough extra charges that it's easy to justify custom building the rig yourself. That includes returning / exchanging any incompatible hardware.
In the past Windows was "emulated" on Mac's, so it was slow.
There ALWAYS was a niche market for Windows emulators. Certain applications have that appeal. These were the 'productivity' applications. Not games.
Over the years the Mac OS's increased their ability to handle Window's pic, text, and video files. I down load PC stuff to this Mac and transfer the files to my XP.
I would guess there are plenty of snobs that wear the MAC branding on their foreheads, and they are more than welcome to wallow in their utopian illusions. The one button mouse stereo type might apply there.
I personally know several Mac converts that are Windows refugees, and never looked back. Well, not REALLY, one has an XP set up like mine.
Why can't a utility computer be as dependable as any other appliance? Why was it such a bitch to install and run the Gothic 3 Demo on my XP machine. What ... LOVE HURTS? What, real gamers can deal with shoddy programing, dwindling QA, and eat their dead ..... What is this emo masochistic love feast with the difficulty of programming for the multitude of PC hardware configurations?
My experience. The Mac does the daily computer stuff, and the PC file system can be QUARANTINED from all the crap that will try to bloat the Windows platform. INCLUDING WINDOWS!
This 'Boot Camp' is a - real - execution of Windows XP so all the expensive (time and money) file protections will apply.
If one is careful with applications, and goes online as little as possible with the Windows partition, then it may be possible to exploit the best of the two OS's.
Rohit_N, compared to the previous Windows, XP has been fairly stable if you got the compatible hardware. Building custom PC's with SP 2 version was the easiest i ever had it. XP SP 2 has been good for me.
I think dual booting (and the hard ware that makes it possible) is seen as AN INNOVATION in the Mac media, and a welcome sign that the Mac OS will survive. How many here got an Amiga in the attic? Mac consumers should see it as an opportunity to get a faster, cheaper platform to operate the Mac OS.
Perhaps this move to the center will also help popularize other alternative, stable, OS's. I presume Linux has reliable versions.
Microsoft needs to aspire to some level of quality, instead of forever dwelling on market share. MS PC, Xbox, mp3 player, what's next a Microsoft microwave and bidet combo with GPS and call waiting, and will the bidet flush in your time zone when the HD TV is on?
One World, One Microsoft! Pinnacle of the consumer - marketer dialectic!
Cloudy Vista's
Custom computer builders.
I have heard that Microsoft will tighten the allowable up grades for VISTA PC's.
I have made enough upgrades on XP machines to have had to call some Microsoft 'gatekeeper' and confirm that this copy of XP has been on only one PC. Might not have but limited upgrades until the PC is deemed NEW! MS has not clarified what the changes will be, right?
I have read concerns that those that custom build and upgrade may NOT have that freedom with VISTA they had with XP.
i think the up grade community includes` the game playing community, so this possible 'double billing' should concern us all.