It's funny... Because it's true!

All the computers of the university newspaper are also Mac's...
Good lord the frustration I had in that little basement!
That is amazing... It's funny, a lot of my friends in school are Mac fiends... they all own an iBook, iMac, 1 Powerbook... and half of them have iPods. And don't forget their matching external hard drive and iSight.

For all they paid for that, I could get better equipment for a pc...
Does anyone else think that Microsoft should hire the guy who created this flash movie to make commercials for them?

Be a man, own a Cray!
I've never even touched a MAC, ar they really that fucked up? If they are why would anybody buy one? Who are these people? Are they some cult of masochists? do they go: what unimaginable torment should I inflict upon myself? I know! I'll buy a MAC! That ought to do it!
I saw that months ago and showed it to my boyfriend (who swears by macs).

Not only did he get annoyed, but it prompted yet another PC vs. Mac conversation. ;) Those are always fun.
Macs are...well, they're like Special Ed from Crank Yankers, but can be good with graphics. For the trouble you go through with them, it's probably best to stick with something you can do other things to a practical level with.
I shy away from anything with only one mouse button. I'll never understand the Mac fascination.

Although the loathing of Microsoft, that I understand completely! 8)
If you are a huge mac fan, you know how to use them with not problems. Just like Windows or Linux people... It's just your preference.
I don't get it. I have some friends who own Macs and they say those things are far more stable than a pc. And for some reason they are also better for graphical work than a pc. Can someone explain, please. What's so different about a Mac? Is it a totally different system or what? No Windows and stuff? Forgive me for being an Ubern00b, but computers aren't exactly my thing. I just thought they were design pcs or something... :roll:
MadDog -[TO said:
-]If you are a huge mac fan, you know how to use them with not problems. Just like Windows or Linux people... It's just your preference.

The difference is, you can do a shitload more in both Windows and especially in any *nix base. Of course, your average Mac user isn't interested nor capable of understanding the things done with those OS'.

Not to mention...oh, hey. iMac. Those jokes write themselves.
Blade Runner said:
I don't get it. I have some friends who own Macs and they say those things are far more stable than a pc.

I moved to PC because my mac was an unstable piece of crap that would freeze up or encounter fatal errors every day. Well, that and the fact that there's barely any software available for it. And the fact that I couldn't upgrade it. And the fact that in order to buy a new one in order to move to a better OS I would have had to pay twice as much as I would for PC that was twice as fast as a new mac. Did I mention that it would freeze up or crash almost every day?

And to add fuel to the fire, I "upgraded" to a 6 year old PC that was running Windows 95, supposedly a horrible OS, and it was literally 10x more stable than my mac.

Sorry, I'm very bitter about it.
One thing about MACs that I don't understand, why is it that every movie I see they use a MAC ???? Is MAC sponsering Hollywood or what ?
I don't see _any_ good reasons why I should buy macintosh. They have the most commont softwares available but nothing else.

- Maintaining is easy, but when MAC is stuck it's stuck.
- Try to seek any good little mac softwares from net. Good luck!
- The OS is so lame. It's easy to use, but no modifying allowed. No nothing.
- The hardware sucks! Mouse sucks! Keyboard sucks!
- People buy macs because it's trendy. I kill anyone who admits that.
- Mac users are arrogant.
- Macintosh is fucking ANNOYING!!!


Believe me, they suck ass! They suck and hard!

And a quote of the day: "Only stupid people use computers that can be used by stupid people".