Mad Max 4 is back on

I_eat_supermutants said:
DarkLegacy said:
Like everyone else said, hopefully it won't suck. :D

Oh but it will, it will. I can almost guarantee it. Look at the massive raping that was Die Hard 4. Okay, this is a bold assumption on my part, but generally speaking. Most if not all movies these days are either a) Retelling, rewriting, or raping of classic movies. or b) Unoriginal, uninspired drivel. I.E. Video game movies, seven thousand horror movies, romantic comedies that nobody wants to watch ECT ECT. You get the point.

I just personally haven't seen a movie recently that's made me say WOW!

Pan's Labyrinth.

More recently:

Michael Clayton.
Val Kilmer could be the only alternative to Mel Gibson. I doubt they can get Mel Gibson though.

Or they could go with Vin Diesel



Hahaha, Borat was awful.
Paladin Solo said:
I just don't see him as the road warrior.

And neither you nor I or many other people ever will, we should just be glad that a competent actor is doing the part. And that miller is directing.