Mad Nation Part 6

InTheOnlineAsbestosSuit said:
That being said, I'm looking for a replacement shotgun for this character that can fire blanks. I do own some firing shotguns, but none of them are quite right for the character.

If your interested here is a shotgun that i think would go well with the character's appearance and the wild west thing you have going on or alternatively you could give him a 1897 trench gun but I don't think that would really fit with the characters revolver. plus those are damned heavy. Awesome show by the way keep up the good work.

Yeah, I'd already been thinking the same thing actually. I've been giving it a lot of thought and narrowed it down to two choices: a reproduction 1887 Winchester (dunno why they call it a Browning in the link you posted), or a reproduction Colt 1878 coach gun. Both would have the stocks cut off, be cut down to 18.25 inches, and would be dolled up to look a little more post nuclear.

As of right now, I'm leaning toward the Colt: I feel like a longer barreled, but still sawn off double is more appropriate for the character, and I personally think that it's more plausible that Gray would find a double barreled shotgun than a lever action one in the wasteland, since the 1887 is a pretty rare gun to find these days, even the Norinco reproductions like that which you linked. Also, I'd rather avoid the Winchester as I don't want people to be distracted by unwanted Terminator 2 references.

But in reality, it'll just come down to whichever gun I find for an affordable price first in real life.


Picture links for comparison. I'd probably leave 2-3 inches of the stock on either one, rather than cut it off flush with the pistol grip like every other sawn off shotgun known to film:


Personally i would go with the 1887 because you could do the thing where you reload by spinning it around like John Wayne. Besides the main character of any movie is entitled to unique weapons. On the other hand I'm betting the side by side is a lot cheaper plus you can fire the two rounds in it a lot quicker than the lever gun. Oh and btw the gun is listed as a browning because it was one of john Browning's designs but he happened to be working for Winchester at the time.

I've done it before with prop versions of the same gun, and I probably wouldn't do the whole John Wayne flip thing. Aside from the fact that it'd be easier and faster to work the lever by swinging the gun downward and back up again, the flip is hard to do if you're not a big guy with long arms. That, combined with the fact that I'd probably have to custom make a lever with a wider hand guard, and that any kind of action working other than traditional is likely to put a lot of wear and tear on the gun, makes the whole one handed operation kind of silly if you're going for realism. Badass in Stage Coach and Terminator 2, but you wouldn't see that kind of gunplay in Unforgiven, which is more what I'm going for in the more recent work I've done.

The SxS would most definitely be cheaper than the 1887, and much easier to find used, which is why I'll probably end up going for one of those. And yeah, in the hands of a trained shooter, a double barreled shotgun can be as fast or faster than a lever or pump action, even when it comes to reloading and firing more than two shots (search Youtube for Cowboy action shooting if you want examples). Good call on Browning though, a while ago I saw a documentary about the evolution of the shotgun and had forgotten that he'd designed both the 1887 and the Winchester 1893 pump.

I wouldn't mind owning an 1887 shotgun eventually though, so I suppose in the end it'll come down to which gun I find for an affordable price that meets my needs first. I already own a SxS coach gun, I just don't really want to cut the stock off, but I considered making new wood for it to solve that issue. I do some gun smithing here and there in my spare time, which incidentally is why my character in Mad Nation often gets to use some pretty unique weaponry.