'Mad Nation' Post-Apocalyptic TV show Megathread

Thanks for beating me to it!

HO BOY, have I got stories for you folks.

The year 2010 in brief: moved to LA, worked in a hollywood prop shop, life completely unraveled and ended up getting really fucked over by now ex-fiancee, tried to live in LA on my own, failed, moved home, decided I wussed out too early, moved back to LA, and now I've got two jobs and a pretty good hold on things and am doing somewhat well for myself.

Somewhere in there I managed to shoot an absolutely epic season finale to Mad Nation season 1, which is in the final stages of pre production. Also, in the next few months I'm going to FINALLY be putting together the DVD and uploading the last of season 1 to youtube while simultaneously writing season 2. Soon I'll be uploading some pictures of bad ass props, costumes, and weapons I've been making for the show, etc.

I'm debating about doing a news post again. On the one hand, I like seeing my videos posted on the home page of this site because of the publicity it brings. On the other hand, as my stuff isn't exactly -directly- fallout related I feel like I'd be making a bother of myself by constantly pestering the mods to embed my videos on the front page. But I figure as soon as the season 1 DVD's out, I'll post something for the sake of bringing a conclusion to the long, ridiculous story that is the production of Mad Nation, the movie.

Mad Nation # 4: The Gunsmith


These are the first two of a three part story, The Young Brother's Trilogy. The third will go up as soon as I find someone to do the digital effects. The funny part about these episodes is that they've been done for a year except for those digital effects: only recently did I finally give up on getting them completed by my previous digital effects editor.

A quick update for those of you who are still waiting patiently. -cough-

I've been waiting since December for my -new- very busy with the real world and thus has very little time for me editor to finish the last few episodes that my super incompetent former editor who never should have committed to the project failed to finish. As it stands now, the newest episode/season 1 finale is waiting to be uploaded to youtube.

In other news, I'm in the process of getting the necessary licenses for using firearms on movie sets in California (where I now live), so as to go into production on Season 2. I've got a lot of cool new ideas so we'll see where it takes us :)
Heya folks!

So the DVD is supposedly 90% done. We're hitting some snags with technology as always but things are still progressing which is saying a lot for this show. So hopefully we'll have a DVD together by around the time the actual nuclear apocalypse comes. Who's still interested in getting a copy? Does anyone even still read this thread? :/
ATTENTION ALL! The Mad Nation DVD is officially done, and we're now looking for a good deal on a DVD duplication services to get a whole mess of copies made for all you folks out there who take an interest. Post here or PM me if you're still interested in a DVD!
Yeah, man! I'm still here, waiting to get a copy. I'll message you any pertinent shipping details and such. You might also want to pursue a Kickstarter for getting the second season back on rails.
Well folks, it's done.

You can find the details on the first page of the thread, as well as hopefully in a news post on the front page to come. But in short, at long last the Mad Nation Season 1 DVD is done.

Friends, I got into this show because I had a story to tell. And it's a nerdy, weird, niche market story that only a small portion of the population gives two shits about. But you guys, the NMA community, have always supported me and given me the motivation to keep fighting, to keep trying as hard as I can to get this silly little web show made so that I can entertain you. And so I want you all to enjoy that which I've managed to create for you. Because Mad Nation is the most precious thing in the world to me, and this website is where it all began for me, and you folks out there in the NMA community are always going to be the original Mad Nation fans. And I may be a broke ass film maker struggling to pay his rent in Los Angeles, but I can still do what I can to give back to those who helped me make what I've made so far.

The first 20 of you who ask for one can have it for free as long as you're within the continental US (if you're international and are within the first 20, it's free plus shipping). After that it's for sale to NMA people -at cost of production-, which is $3+shipping.

That's pretty much the best deal I can give you guys, I wish I could give everyone on the whole website a free DVD but sadly I just can't afford it. But you guys have been good to me, and I promise that with your continued support, I'll keep making this show, and make it better and better, and hopefully I'll keep entertaining you all for as long as I can. Thanks again everyone, I'm looking forward to the next chapter with you.
We're writing season 2 now, and I'm working on building some of the props/costuming/weapons for it. Sadly, the permits we need to make it in California cost all kinds of stupid money, we're going to need like five grand minimum just for the permits and licenses to shoot in public and use firearms. But when the non-Mad Nation related project I'm doing now is complete we'll hopefully have drummed up some publicity for our movies, and we'll start raising some more money. I'm hoping/predicting that we'll get started actually shooting MN Season 2 some in early summer of 2013.
Two words for you (for cheap filming) Detroit Michigan

I would love to help out but the commute to Kali is way too far.

There are so many trashed/abandoned buildings of all sizes here... you might be able to save a ton.

p.s. michigan is awash in guns (as you may have seen from my postings in the guns section... I have more than a few "odd" guns that would look good/unique on film. The same goes for many of other people in michigan).


InTheOnlineAsbestosSuit said:
We're writing season 2 now, and I'm working on building some of the props/costuming/weapons for it. Sadly, the permits we need to make it in California cost all kinds of stupid money, we're going to need like five grand minimum just for the permits and licenses to shoot in public and use firearms. But when the non-Mad Nation related project I'm doing now is complete we'll hopefully have drummed up some publicity for our movies, and we'll start raising some more money. I'm hoping/predicting that we'll get started actually shooting MN Season 2 some in early summer of 2013.
Haha, yeah, I've been through Michigan, I know how you feel. Another place that's pretty bad is Broken Bow, Oklahoma. Whole abandoned neighborhoods, it's really sad, the place is basically a ghost town. There's a lot of places like that out there that I wish I could shoot Mad Nation in. But commuting to anywhere that doesn't at least boarder CA is definitely not in our budget, sadly :(

Here's our video tour of Broken Bow, from our cross-country drive series "Lunatic Odyssey":

Shipping out the first batch this afternoon, but we still have 20 free DVDs left!

EDIT: actually, scratch that, we're out of mailer envelopes, so ya'll have to wait just a little bit longer. But not to fear, we've ordered more so hopefully the next batch of DVDs will ship out shortly.
As of right now, there are still 20 free MN DVDs not spoken for, so the next 20 NMA members who message me get them :)

*** If you'd like to order a DVD, just PM me here, or email me at perniciousparadise@gmail.com, and include a mailing address to which I can ship the DVD. If you email, please specify that you're an NMA member so I know to give you the NMA discount! ***

Please note, I do not consider a free DVD 'spoken for' until I get a mailing address, since I obviously can't give you a DVD unless I've got an address to mail it to. So if you send me a message saying "I'll take a free DVD!" and then you wait for a month to send me a mailing address, you may miss your chance to get a free one!
Sweet got my copy today. Looking forward to watching it tonight and can't wait. Love the minamalistic cover art and thanks for the free shipping. :clap:
Thanks! Hope you enjoy it :)

You'll notice that my Avitar is an image similar to the cover: the cover photo was us trying to recreate the image in my avatar, a screencap from unused movie footage from years back that I eventually lost every copy of in various hard drive crashes. The photoshop and boarder and all the neat trickery on it was done by a graphic designer I know who's amazing and wonderful.

Hail dark lord Väder said:
Too late to ask for a copy?

Hell no! You'll be on the tail end of the free DVD deal, email me at perniciousparadise@gmail.com and we'll get you squared away.
Well I sent just an email with my address & stuff subject
NMA member

I actually just remembered that forgot to mention it was me in the email, but now you know, it's me!