'Mad Nation' Post-Apocalyptic TV show Megathread

Hey Gang, quick update for the NMA crowd:

First: If you were watching our Kickstarter, you'll know that we raised enough to make one episode. However, we all decided to hold out and do some more fundraising outside of crowd funding so that we could produce both the first and second episodes of the season in one half-hour season premier.

Second: we've found a fantastic new location that we'll be shooting at, which I will post photos of once we've had another tech scout there.

Third: after many setbacks, we've managed to finally lock up a shooting schedule! We're shooting the new episode in the first weekend of June, so between now and then all we expect to be doing is building and collecting all kinds of fantastic gear for the new season.
Hey gang, guess what? First episode of Season 2 is in Post-Production!

We're currently in the color correction and sound mixing phase. We will be updating more as things proceed.

We are delighted to report that the final cut of the new episode is complete! Again, I want to thank all of you for your help. Without all of you, our show wouldn't be possible.

The next couple of months involve a lot of crossroads for us. For the moment, we will be focusing our efforts on using this new episode as a tool in the search for funding for the remainder of the show. We will be approaching some heavy hitters in Hollywood for help, so wish us luck!

We will also now begin working on getting together all those rewards we promised to our Kickstarter backers, so keep an eye out for future updates regarding that as well! For the moment, we can't show you the new episode, as publicly distributing it could hurt our chances for getting picked up by a major network, but rest assured that you'll see the episode and get your own copies as soon as we can provide!
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I thought I would let everyone know that has been following Mad Nation over the years that Ethan (InTheOnlineAsbestosSuit) passed away a few days ago, we don't really know much about what happened; But it's fucking devastating.