Mad Nation premieres


Vault Consort
Staff member
InTheOnlineAsbestosSuit alias Ethan Taranto-Kent has finished the independent post-apocalyptic film Mad Nation that was previewed here in 2005 and 2008. In his own words:<blockquote>Ladies and gentlemen, the movie is done. After 5 years, it's complete and ready to go. Last night, we had a surprise premier at Flim Fest, an annual local student film festival that I have frequented for some time. The movie was the last one shown, screening just after midnight, and the 70 or so die hard attendees that remained enjoyed the hell out of it: the movie got a standing ovation both before (when they realized it was finally finished after years of previews and trailers) and after. One person, who helps run the festival, told me that he personally felt it was the best movie ever shown there.

The movie will be hosted online soon. Not sure how soon, though. It's 47 minutes long, so I'll have to break it up scene by scene if I want it to be on YouTube. I will probably do this, as no scene is longer than 5 minutes so it'll make watching the movie a bit easier for the casual online viewer. And of course, there will be a free, downloadable, full length version available as soon as I sort out the problems with my website.</blockquote>People will also be able to order a DVD stuffed full of bonus content. Stay tuned for developments.

Link: "Sneak Peak" @ YouTube
Link: Trailer @ YouTube
I read the 3 year old topic about this movie and thought it was dead. It's nice to know they finished it, I would love to watch it. :P
I really liked the old trailer from a few years ago. It had a cool style to it and nice music (although the typos really pissed me off) .But the preview from later kinda sucked ass. It was just the fat hairy kid walking around in the woods. My friends made better stuff in highschool.
All I can say is that, out of all the movie trailers I've seen, that one is definitely the most recent.
the camera quality looks familiar...I know that camera, good lord I had to do visual effects for a movie that used the same camera...the horror....the horror....
Obviously he doesn't have a multimillion dollar budget. No reason to jump on his bones for film quality that he can't control due to lack of funding. Given that's the case the film looks watchable and I can't wait to see it. I'll save my judgment when I actually see the film.
And of course, there will be a free, downloadable, full length version available as soon as I sort out the problems with my website.

He could also put up a tracker, (or use a public one, such as TPB) and make a torrent file for it. It would save him a lot of the bandwidth costs, and alturistic seeders like me would make it a very fast download.
Congrats for actually finishing a project of that size.
If I had money, I'd buy a copy, but I'm afraid that due to the financial crisis I'll have to be one of the many non-paying YouTube-viewers instead.
I knew you would finish it asbetsdude! If shipping costs are ok (actually overall price picture) I might spend some caps on that dvd!
SimpleMinded said:
holy crap. It's finished?

Nice work!

That's the reaction pretty much everyone had. They even gave me a "Holy Crap it's Finished" award in the form of a gold plated dogtag.

Dracon M'Alkir said:
He could also put up a tracker, (or use a public one, such as TPB) and make a torrent file for it. It would save him a lot of the bandwidth costs, and alturistic seeders like me would make it a very fast download.

Hey, good idea. I'll have to look into that. I've only used torrents occasionally, never actually created one, but that does seem like a
better way to go about it.

RoseKilla said:
I read the 3 year old topic about this movie and thought it was dead. It's nice to know they finished it, I would love to watch it. :P

I'm surprised people other than me even still post in that thread. But I'm glad to see there's still enough interest to make it worth posting.

Mad Max RW said:
I really liked the old trailer from a few years ago. It had a cool style to it and nice music (although the typos really pissed me off) .But the preview from later kinda sucked ass. It was just the fat hairy kid walking around in the woods. My friends made better stuff in highschool.

It's gotten better since then, and I agree the preview is kinda lame when taken out of context. To be honest that preview was more just to prove that work was still being done on the movie. There's a fairly minimal amount of fat hairy guy walking around in the woods, and later on there's a few pretty good gunfight scenes.

Xixao4590 said:
Obviously he doesn't have a multimillion dollar budget. No reason to jump on his bones for film quality that he can't control due to lack of funding. Given that's the case the film looks watchable and I can't wait to see it. I'll save my judgment when I actually see the film.

Our total budget was around $400, and more than half of that was spent in gas to drive around picking up actors and actresses and to feed the one vehicle we have in the movie.

monsharen said:
I knew you would finish it asbetsdude! If shipping costs are ok (actually overall price picture) I might spend some caps on that dvd!

Much appreciated, though I wouldn't expect anyone to buy it without seeing it first. Don't worry though, I plan on paying for shipping out of the original cost of the DVD: everyone pays 10$, regardless of whether they buy it from me in person or it gets shipped to them.

Of course, if it turns out that the shipping costs -more- than $10, I might have to go back on my word there :/

alec said:
Congrats for actually finishing a project of that size.
If I had money, I'd buy a copy, but I'm afraid that due to the financial crisis I'll have to be one of the many non-paying YouTube-viewers instead.

It was a hell of a project, but it was well worth it. I'm actually shooting another movie, about one of the minor characters from Mad Nation, tomorrow. This one's only going to be 3 minutes though.

And no worries about the DVD: I'm only charging to pay for the costs of making them, and frankly I wouldn't expect anyone to buy it without having seen it anyway.