Makes me wonder what the movie would have looked like

Big Feet

First time out of the vault
I know a lot of people hate on Halo for various reasons,but after watching this live action trailer for ODST,i think if the movie wouldn't have been killed,it would have(at least visually) kicked ass.


At least with a director like Peter Jackson and a style like this it would have been 1000 times better than any of the stuff Uwe Boll puts out.

*I edited the video link to the extended version trailer which was the one i caught.
If I would not know that Halo is such a generic game and thus the movie would be nothing more entertaining (or just as generic) like a "Terminator 4" just with aliens instead of "robots" I would say that its amazing.

Glad they made at least District 9 instead of "Halo" as movie.
From the interviews i have caught District 9 was made to thumb their nose at the studios for not doing HALO.

Jackson wanted to show that a great sci-fi movie could be done on the cheap.
Due to the emphasis on action and the simple storytelling I actually think it would be a good setting for a general audience action movie.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
a Halo movie would end up like Transformers.

Or like G.I.Joe.

In all respect for the Halo fans, I'd say "FUCK YOU!", now we have this great movie called "District 9" instead :P
I agree by thinking about the usual "hollywood" blockbuster District 9 is a lot better then what Halo could be if it would have been realy made in to a move :mrgreen:
I plan on seeing District 9 as it seems a good movie.

Now..God help me..i know i'm going to get crucified for saying this(If all else fails i haven't slept since yesterday and have been drinking):

HALO has developed a lore over the years as deep as the game this site is founded on.Come to think of it isn't said game based on every cliche in the genre it spoofs/emulates just like HALO?

People seem to have some kind of pathological hatred of HALO blaming its popularity for single handidly dumbing down gaming.Meanwhile the plot/storyline/voice acting and relationships between characters often exceeds that of recently released games claiming to be RPG's.

Okay now that i got that out of the way.

I don't always want or expect a movie to be profoundly deep or thought provoking.Sometimes i just want to watch a movie for an hour and a half that entertains me ala Crank.Just some mindless fun.

I liked the first HALO game and i liked the literature that it spawned.Reading the books it is a very dark universe and humanity and the covenant are not black and white.

If someone,like Jackson,could take the action of the games and meld them with the more complex humans and aliens presented in the books than i think that such a movie would be really good.

Now if they just wanted to do a well done action movie that would also be okay.
as far as I know the Halo movie isn't completely dead, just on hiatus or whatever.

and while I really liked District 9 in spite of its pretty big flaws, I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm glad we have that one instead. I want BOTH dammit!

sure, Halo is a pretty generic game, but I gotta admit I love the music and style of the games and if they kept true to that, they could make a pretty cool war movie with what little story there is.
Big Feet said:
People seem to have some kind of pathological hatred of HALO blaming its popularity for single handidly dumbing down gaming.Meanwhile the plot/storyline/voice acting and relationships between characters often exceeds that of recently released games claiming to be RPG's.
Is that now speaking for or gainst RPGs now? I mean considering how washed out and dump most RPGs are today when it comes to the story and gameplay. I mean serously how hard can it be to come up with something better in gameplay and story compared to a game like Oblivion afterall.

The Terminator series once started as a very rich and pretty good developed "action story" (it was cleary action and super duper hollywood block buster, but it was one with high quality) and now see what they did out of it with Terminator 4. Same to the ALien franchise with Alien vs Predator 1 and 2. And quite a few other movies. I have no doubts that if done "right" of course a HALO movie could be somewhat ... entertaining and good. But how big is the chance for something like that? Microsoft would just either hire some "Michael Bay" or "Paul Anderson" type of director to do the movie. And to do it "BIG!".
I really liked that trailer, and thought it was quite well done (except for the crappy looking alien).

Nice to see video game trailers being more than just "movie trailers."
It's definitely different than most game trailers but I just don't like it for some reason. I can't explain why, it just seems so cheesy to me.

Sort of on the subject, one of my favorite game trailers ever made was this Halo 3 trailer just because it was, well... different:

Those Halo 3 ads were all very cool.

I rather liked this one as well:

Crni Vuk said:
Big Feet said:
People seem to have some kind of pathological hatred of HALO blaming its popularity for single handidly dumbing down gaming.Meanwhile the plot/storyline/voice acting and relationships between characters often exceeds that of recently released games claiming to be RPG's.
Is that now speaking for or gainst RPGs now? I mean considering how washed out and dump most RPGs are today when it comes to the story and gameplay. I mean serously how hard can it be to come up with something better in gameplay and story compared to a game like Oblivion afterall.

The Terminator series once started as a very rich and pretty good developed "action story" (it was cleary action and super duper hollywood block buster, but it was one with high quality) and now see what they did out of it with Terminator 4. Same to the ALien franchise with Alien vs Predator 1 and 2. And quite a few other movies. I have no doubts that if done "right" of course a HALO movie could be somewhat ... entertaining and good. But how big is the chance for something like that? Microsoft would just either hire some "Michael Bay" or "Paul Anderson" type of director to do the movie. And to do it "BIG!".

A bit against most recently released RPG's.I was never a fan of FPS games until i played the 1st HALO.Sure the game used every Sci-fi cliche in the book..but it did it well.Thats what i want.A game that does well what it sets out to do.

The 2 Alien vs Predator travesties was the direct result of fans getting what they wanted.They wanted an AvP movie.Period.Outside of a couple of comics though there was nothing to bind the two franchises together so that a movie would have made sense.

So what you got was present day Earth serving as a battle ground between the two completely destroying the continuity of the Alien storyline.

Wasn't the whole point of the Alien movies that they never reach Earth?

IIRC,Jackson was on a short list of directors that they thought could do the series justice.I think there were one or two other big names also tossed about.

I think they were very aware that if a movie was done that it couldn't be done poorly,in any aspect,because that would only bring the franchise down.Which was an early sticking point with the studios before the they then balked at the cost.
Big Feet said:
The 2 Alien vs Predator travesties was the direct result of fans getting what they wanted.They wanted an AvP movie.Period.Outside of a couple of comics though there was nothing to bind the two franchises together so that a movie would have made sense.
Uh, Sorry?

I dont think so. I am a long time fan of the Alien franchise and I have contact to many people that are just as big fans and I also love the Predator movies.

I loved as well the AvP comics - as most of them had actualy a good story and setting - and games but I never was "happy" about some AvP movie and I dont know ANY long time (meaning BEFORE AvP) Alien/Predator fan that feelt happy with the result of the AvP movie or demanded such kind of flick. Why? cause it was cheesy. Extremly bad done, with ridiculous action (compared to perdator) and actualy completely stupid and unitresting characters withiout any development (compard to Alien/Aliens etc.)

From what I have read the critics regarding AvP have not been that well either. So I am not sure who actualy " really " wanted exactly a movie like AvP. I really think that they have been mande only to get some fast money out from the names, cause seroiusly it would probably not even have been a interesting blockbuster without the known "monsters" killing each other.