Map of Fallout Fans

OK pplz, don't just post to say you included yourself or this is spam.
Strato said:
I think if America is reduced to radioactive wasteland, pretty much everything else is as well. The nucelar winter is such type of thing. ;)
actually, the whole nuclear winter theory has been disproved, no?
I was under that impression too.
But thinking about it, depending on the scale of a nuclear war could cause an ice age.
Throwing enough ash and sediment in the sky to block the sun can cause an ice age or nuclear winter. A good sized volcano can.
Why not 40 megaton blasts all over the place?
It would have to be pretty sizable war though.
Wiki about Nuclear Winter:

2006 study on consequences of a regional nuclear war

A study presented at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December 2006 found that even a small-scale, regional nuclear war could produce as many direct fatalities as all of World War II and disrupt the global climate for a decade or more. In a regional nuclear conflict scenario where two opposing nations in the subtropics would each use 50 Hiroshima-sized nuclear weapons (ca. 15 kiloton each) on major populated centres, the researchers estimated fatalities from 2.6 million to 16.7 million per country. Also, as much as five million tons of soot would be released, which would produce a cooling of several degrees over large areas of North America and Eurasia, including most of the grain-growing regions. The cooling would last for years and could be "catastrophic" according to the researchers.
Re: Npe, there are now 2 of us

Madmax and the Mutant said:
Vault 69er said:
What am I? The only UK fan? :puppy-dog:

Nar, im th second one, lol,
Really thought there would have been a bigger fan base in UK to be honest

This is like .6% of everyone here so don't fret yet... jet...
I've modified the map, so now everyone can add his or her sex. I'm curious about how many fangirls are out there. :)

Anyone knows the address of Interplay and the former address of Black Isle? I would add them on the map as locations.
Just added myself. Wow... I'm the only one in WA, unless others just haven't added themselves.

And it looks like I'm only the second girl on the map that's a fan. Whee! That's sort of interesting.