Mark O'Green joins Interplay

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This ghoul has seen it all
Mark O'Green, Fallout 1/2 design/dialogue guy, has rejoined Interplay for Project V13, All-Pro Interplay stalker Ausir reports.<blockquote>Despite the legal troubles, another developer of the original Fallout has joined Chris Taylor at Interplay on the Project V13 (Fallout MMO) team (Jason Anderson, who originally headed the project, left for InXile in 2009).

Mark O'Green is a designer that wrote most talking head dialogues in Fallout and Fallout 2. </blockquote>As far as I know, Mark has been out of the industry since Fallout 2.
Awesome, if V13 manages to at least launch it'd be the first MMO with good dialogue.

I keep wondering how Interplay manages to recruit such good employees despite being unstable as hell....

Hope is why they can get employees...

New Vegas and V13 are acquiring more and more of the original creators.

Maybe we will recognize a part of the style of designing in one of the games, and another part in the other game. But that court stuff makes me wonder if they both (or any of them) are ever coming out.

I surely do hope I have the free time to try them when they get out. But most likely I won't. Poor me.
I know it's an MMO, and that it's Herve Caen's Interplay.

But this is looking better than Fallout 3. :lol:
Why the hell would he join Internplay and not Obsidian :(

Interplay needs to die already so that someone other then Herve can ressurect it.
Paul_cz said:
Why the hell would he join Internplay and not Obsidian :(

Interplay needs to die already so that someone other then Herve can ressurect it.

stop wanting things to be dying and start a buyin' or else you're gonna be a cryin' when somethin' starts flyin'
Blackened said:
Maybe we will recognize a part of the style of designing in one of the games, and another part in the other game. But that court stuff makes me wonder if they both (or any of them) are ever coming out.
New Vegas is definitely coming out (probably this year). V13 will probably come out also, but there's a good chance that it won't have "Fallout" in the title, which really isn't a big deal IMO.
Paul_cz said:
Why the hell would he join Internplay and not Obsidian :(

Interplay needs to die already so that someone other then Herve can ressurect it.

Obsidian only has so many jobs available.
Jesse, what about you? Interplay or Obsidian? You should go back to Fallout too. :P
Lexx said:
You should go back to Fallout too. :P
Agreed, and seeing his point about Obsidian not having many jobs available; I wouldn't object to another classic Fallout creator going to PV13, as unlikely as it is. They'd probably welcome him with open arms.
Lexx said:
Jesse, what about you? Interplay or Obsidian? You should go back to Fallout too. :P

Oh, I'll probably wind up back in games at some point. That, or teaching high school math. (Seriously.)
The original Fallout team is like that kick ass music group that released only 2 albums. Top 100 of all time albums. Then they broke up due to some drunken disputes and legal problems.

Then Tim Cain tried to start his solo project, but it went under.

Now the ex-musicians are still wandering around looking for good gigs. But everyone still wants the old group back together.

Because people don't seem to realize that individuals make games, not companies, Fallout 3 is considered part of the trilogy by most.

Nay, there is none of the feel of the original team's soul in it.

The original team is what's important.
Jesse Heinig said:
Lexx said:
Jesse, what about you? Interplay or Obsidian? You should go back to Fallout too. :P

Oh, I'll probably wind up back in games at some point. That, or teaching high school math. (Seriously.)

Wow! Sounds like youre a tough guy. Seriously. What my Judo trainer (he is teacher in a school) tells me, its serious buisness :P ... much luck on the front if you choose that way!
Crni Vuk said:
Wow! Sounds like youre a tough guy. Seriously. What my Judo trainer (he is teacher in a school) tells me, its serious buisness :P ... much luck on the front if you choose that way!

I know that teaching high school is pretty serious business, but I'm told that I have good board presence and besides, we have a shortage of good math teachers. Learning math isn't so hard as teaching it.
Dopemine Cleric said:

Hope is why they can get employees...


What I thought it was fear of the battle station that kept the republic in line? ...Oh wait... :wink: