This is for Jebus and the others who are uninformed about the ACTUAL US budget, here are the figures: US 2004 Budget: 2,378.2 Billion, now let's break down the numbers.
Highlights of the total government outlays from President Bush’s proposed 2005 budget, in billions of dollars, with year-to-year change
Function 2004 2005 Chng
Defense 453.7 440.3 -13.4
International Affairs 34.2 36.6 2.4
Science, space 22.3 23.8 1.5
Energy 1.0 1.2 0.2
Natural Resources, Environment 31.7 32.5 0.8
Agriculture 20.1 22.4 2.3
Commerce, Housing credit 7.7 3.8 -3.9
Transportation 68.2 69.5 1.3
Community development 18.8 17.3 -1.5
Education, social services 87.2 89.5 2.3
Health 243.3 254.2 10.9
Medicare 270.5 295.2 24.7
Income security 339.5 348.8 9.3
Social Security 496.2 514.8 18.6
Veterans benefits 60.5 68.3 7.8
Admin of Justice 41.6 42.7 1.1
General government 25.4 19.9 -5.5
Net interest 156.3 178.0 21.7
now lets add up the relevant parts that most uninformed people rant about, Defense 453.7 billion, social spending, 1463.2 billion, science-space, 22.3 billion. Now lets add up the total that the uninformed people do not wish to see Defense + Veteran's Benefits, 514.2 billion, i included the Vet's benefits because some fool is going to say that it should be included in the defense budget, even though it is mainly hospitalization and retirement payments. Science-space, 22.3 billion, together it equals 536.5 billion. Social spending, Social Security 496.2 billion, Income Security 339.5 billion, Medicare, 270.5 billion, Health, 243.3 billion, Education, 87.2 billion, Community Development, 18.8 billion, Housing 7.7 billion, which comes to 1463.2 billion.
Final numbers Defense spending 514.2 billion + Space 22.3 billion = 536.5 billion
Social Spending = 1463.2 billion.
So how on god's green earth can you claim with a straight face that the US spends as much or more on defense and space than social items? The only way i think is you listen to too much propaganda and do not wish to think for yourself.
One very irritated Centrist Thorgrimm