S said:yep that is possible in theoryAshmo said:Also, there's the whole bending the space to shorten the distance thing.
first of all i want to ask what you mean by inside ??? (inside of what? ... if you bend space you don't spend a sec inside of anythingAshmo said:The fun thing about worm holes and similar "solutions" is that they all pose the threat of dissolving or combusting or otherwise becoming nasty while you're inside.
Then there's the whole gravity thing and all that. Like taking a walk on a black hole sun.)
And you mentioned gravity???? what has it got to do with parallel dimension travel???
Did I say anything about dimensions? No! I said BENDING SPACE.
Bending space to shorten distances doesn't have jack to do with trans-dimensional travel.
Worm holes are traditionally used as an example for bending space and thus connecting two distant places (think of 3d space as a 2d plane and bend that plane, then push through spots on both "sides" until they meet -- BAM! Worm hole.
The problem with worm holes is that -- if they exist and work as expected -- they might just as well crush you or tear you in half if they dissolve before you are "through" (i.e. while you're "inside" the tunnel).
Also, if you can "delete" your posts, you can just as well EDIT them, so please do that. There's no reason to multipost like that.