Mask Girl T-Shirt

Alright, I did a bit of research and found these sites regarding the proportions of children:
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3

Here are some helpful diagrams from those sites:

Notice that facial proportions can be slightly different even at age 12. With that said, I've composed a rough proportion overlay that demonstrates what I've messed up and what actually works.

I think the girl is a 5-year-old, but she looks like she could be 12 right now. Partly because toddlers have softer features than the face I drew. Again, when I add a body, it should make the picture less confusing. I didn't have much time to work on it this weekend but I will update... eventually.

alec said:
it might not be a bad idea to start over. I know you'll hate to hear that, but drawings can only take so much abuse, and your drawing, well, has been buttraped. Trying to fix it, will probably cost you more time than trying again.
:(I really hope it doesn't come to that. I'm not very skilled at drawing. Even when I have a photo to sketch over, it takes me forever to get things to look right. I don't think I could do something like this free-hand. That's one of the reasons I've been putting off drawing her body. It took me a good three hours to come up with that proportion sketch.

No. I intend to beat this horse long after it's dead.

alec said:
I do like the color scheme. A lot.
Why, thank you!
I do not feel like getting into a neverending discussion about this, kid. Most posters are telling you again and again that your drawing is flawed, yet instead of doing something with that criticism, you merely make a 'proportion overlay' with the sole intent to prove you are right and 'the critics' are wrong.
Why did you not invest the time you wasted on your 'proportion overlay' to fix your drawing? That I do not understand.
The 'proportion overlay' clearly shows a multitude of mistakes you made along the way. You should stop being so focussed on babies' faces because of the simple reason that you are not drawing a baby. Okay? I know babies' faces are different, but can we please drop the babies now? Until you actually draw one and ask us to comment on it? Thanks.
Some more remarks:
- Look at the size of that tuna can and size of the kid's head. Now look at the pic you used for reference. Do you see it?
- The neck, mang. That's one hell of a sturdy neck for a kid.
- The gasmask needs to be turned a couple of degrees to the right of the face. That little knob btween the visors, that knob needs to be positioned on the same curve as the bridge of the nose. Doing that (i.e. redrawing) will solve the probs you have with the visors/eyes/nose.
- Use bolder lines. Your drawing is lacking in character. It's more a mish-mash of colour and coloured patches than a good drawing. This is for a T-shirt, right? Then: bold lines, mang, bold lines are the way to go.
alec said:
I do not feel like getting into a neverending discussion about this, kid. Most posters are telling you again and again that your drawing is flawed
I agree, I'd like to shift the discussion away from the size and placement of the eyes and towards other issues. I've been trying to adjust things according to peoples' suggestions, but even if I get the face right, it will look wrong if everything else is akward, and I don't think that fudging the proportions is a good solution.
alec said:
, yet instead of doing something with that criticism, you merely make a 'proportion overlay' with the sole intent to prove you are right and 'the critics' are wrong.
Why did you not invest the time you wasted on your 'proportion overlay' to fix your drawing? That I do not understand.
There are several reasons I made the overlay. In fact, in order to get it to work I had to adjust the size and position of the eyes a little more (proving you right). You went on to adress two of the other reasons I made the overlay when you said
alec said:
The 'proportion overlay' clearly shows a multitude of mistakes you made along the way.
alec said:
The gasmask needs to be turned a couple of degrees to the right of the face. That little knob btween the visors, that knob needs to be positioned on the same curve as the bridge of the nose. Doing that (i.e. redrawing) will solve the probs you have with the visors/eyes/nose.
I was planing on doing just what you described and having a full drawing of her face seemed like a good first step.
The reason I posted the overlay was to show that her face is now (more or less) good enough. I may tweek it a little more later, but for the moment I'm going to work on other problems.

Moving on:

alec said:
Look at the size of that tuna can and size of the kid's head. Now look at the pic you used for reference. Do you see it?
Yes. I plan on doing a complete overhaul of the filter, which shouldn't take much time (that includes fixing the sketchy look of it).
alec said:
The neck, mang. That's one hell of a sturdy neck for a kid.
Too thick? Too short? A little of both?... I work on it and see what I can do.
alec said:
Use bolder lines. Your drawing is lacking in character. It's more a mish-mash of colour and coloured patches than a good drawing. This is for a T-shirt, right? Then: bold lines, mang, bold lines are the way to go.
Hmm... At first I thought the disheveled collage of colors actually gave it character, but bold lines do make alot more sense, especially in the context of a propaganda poster. Again, an overhaul of the mask's filter should help, and I plan on fixing the straps. I'll go ahead and clean up other areas that catch my eye (the jaw/ear region and some of the clumps of hair for instance).

[edit]I'm trying to work with the criticism everyone is giving me. It's much easier to work with specific problems than vague statements like "the gasmask is terribly designed" or "your proportions are all wrong". I appreciate all the criticism, and I don't mean to take on a defensive tone, so from now on I'll just ask for clarification. Thanks.
Try not to be too discouraged by Alec. He, indisputably, has some talent and experience in this area, but his hostility was just a bit uncalled for I think. You've made great progress, and having the face drawn to overlay the mask on should help quite a bit, and already has.

I too like the color scheme. Just follow Alec's advice about the bolder lines and the neck, and I think it'll turn out great. Hell, I'd probably even buy that shirt.
Kyuu said:
He, indisputably, has some talent and experience in this area, but his hostility was just a bit uncalled for I think.

That's just the way Alec is, thinker n00bski.

So, Arachnivore, are we going to see the effects anytime soon?
Kyuu said:
Try not to be too discouraged by Alec. He, indisputably, has some talent and experience in this area, but his hostility was just a bit uncalled for I think. You've made great progress, and having the face drawn to overlay the mask on should help quite a bit, and already has.
Yeah, I've been on various forums long enough to know that when you solicit people's opinions, the responses you get are usually over-saturated with colorful remarks. I've read plenty of Alec's posts and I know that he's particularly fond of such rhetoric, except he has a way of making it funny rather than obnoxious. So, don't worry man. It doesn't bother me.

Wooz said:
So, Arachnivore, are we going to see the effects anytime soon?
Well, last week I had 2 midterms and a lab report due, so with that shit-storm behind me, I should get a small window of opportunity to work on it this weekend and post some progress. Who knows? may be even tonight!
Sorry guys, I ran into some serious issues with my project. First of all, I should have realized that the perspective I drew the girl in doesn't work with the propaganda poster layout I chose. Observe:

Note: I have no idea what to do with her arms. I have her holding a stuffed bunny and an adult's hand right now, but I'm probably going to change that.

Do you see how we're looking down towards the ground and not at the horizon like in the picture below?

I might be able to do something with reflections and water... I don't know. The whole revelation put me into a loathsome funk.
Going back to the drawing board is not an appealing idea:(

I've been experimenting on the mask, but the best I can show you right now is a butchered version of what I'm working towards. I think I'll show my progress in that area when I have something more presentable.

This isn't quite the update I was hoping to produce, but school isn't going to let up any time soon, so my updates will continue trickling out slowly.
Arachnivore said:
I have no idea what to do with her arms. I have her holding a stuffed bunny and an adult's hand right now, but I'm probably going to change that.
Don't. It's a nice thing you're doing with her arms and hands. I like it. Make the bunny pink. Pink. That's right.

Don't worry too much about the perspective. There is no background, so just go with the flow, follow your instincts. The sketch of the kid with the bunny, holding a hand could become awesome, especially when the kid is wearing a gasmask and holding a pink bunny. Go for it. I like the change in direction.