Mass Effect 2

Alphadrop said:
It's possible to get an almost human female face but it's easier to just find something on this.

Sadly maleshep will never not look like he's made of plastic.

The current games studios seem to have tapped into the younger generations fixation with their own appearance and narcissistic tendencies...half the game is making your face and styling your hair, as for actual role playing - Fuck that shit. The Bieb knows...:roll:

Sorry for not wanting a character I spend half of the game's dialog phases looking at not to look like the result of a weird union of wood and wax, then. Also please do not put everybody in the same bin, it nevers ends well and derails threads in an instant, especially with that kind of useless statement.

@Alphadrop: too many of these faces are reproduction of celebrity X imo. You would thing people would have more imagination. But I guess nothing forces them to put them online, or me to download them. Eh.
Alphadrop said:
It's possible to get an almost human female face but it's easier to just find something on this.

Sadly maleshep will never not look like he's made of plastic.

I've never being able to create or find a good looking face for Shepard(s), so I use the default one(s).

Also, question for the community: adult males that like Biber should be arrested for child pornography or not? :twisted: :P

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