So I'm done with the game... (Like I told you further up on
this page.
End conclusion?
Spolier alert of course, but then again, this whole thread is a spoiler
Arggghs in addition to what I have already mentioned:
1. Elevators turned out to remain annoying.
2. The bouncy ragdoll physics of the Mako-driving drove me mad. Extremely annoying and not any less so because of the insanely exaggerated spiky mountains in every planet terrain ... What is wrong with rolling hills, or God forbid, some fluids (oceans, rivers etc)?
3. The whole lovestory thingy is quite weak, but then again, they tend to be in games.
4. Dialogue is very transparent and skills are not influential enough in dialogue. Would be nice if knowledge of biotics, tech or weapons unloced dialogue choices too, and not just the good guy / bad guy skills ... (Charm/Intimidate)
1. Still looks good - I like the alien races, the urban environments and the space-looking-skies while outdoors. (And the menus/loading screens etc)
2. I like that vehicle combat is in although it could be more challenging - also the spiky terrain makes it annoying at times.
3. Some "SURPRISE" moments - like the first time I encountered a Thresher Maw. (It was in the middle of the night, I was concentrating and suddenly I jumped in my seat. A proud moment at 29 years of age ...)
4. I like that the downloadable content is free.
But best of all, (and this is kind of weird seeing as it is in play perhaps 0,003% of the time I am playing):
The ambient sounds and music while browsing the menus, or looking at loading screens, like the screen where you can choose to "resume" / "load" etc. I just loved it - I thought it had a very Sci-Fi sound to it.
So? Will I play it again? Perhaps, but not right now ...
Question: Do the acheivements alone make it worth another play through? (What do they give me?)