Alphadrop said:
Public said:

(if it is considered as a MMORPG)- during some breaks at college, because that was the only game those PCs could handle
Hah! First MMO I ever played. Basically spent all my time hanging around a hole in the nooby area offering to use my rope to pull people out the hole they got stuck in
Tibia is the only MMORPG I've ever played, and I got hooked - seriously hooked. Would stay home a lot from school to level up. I've posted about it 7 times before in The Order, but here's a re-post from my latest mention (
Luke said:
I used to play Tibia - great MMORPG. You levelled, you trained, you slaughtered, you joined a good guild (in my case the powerhouse of the server) and could then proceed to kill anyone you wanted to - and if someone really ticked you off, you could kill them over and over again until their character was sent back to level 1. I was a good man though, and never killed without a reason. So, in order to get good reasons, I created a new character and levelled up to level 8 or so, and wandered the world. Anyone who showed my crappy character disrespect - like stole the loot of 3 gold pieces from a rat I had killed, or something like that, I would then proceed to hunt to his ultimate demise with my powerhouse character. I had also written down the names of people who had disrespected my first and main character while he was still 'in the making', and made sure they met cruel fates later on. It was especially entertaining to convey the message "This person must die at all costs" to my guild, targeting someone who was like level 40-50 or so, since that takes a fucking long time to build up. My own char was just over 50 - it was mostly thanks to my guild connections that I could control the fate of others to the extent that I did. (And also thanks to one of my secret thief characters, who used intelligence collected by my trustworthy and fair main character to trick everyone I knew, and others, for in-game equipment and money.)
Those were the days, I tell you.
It was a nervwrecking game. It took a really long time to level up, and 1 death meant you lost 1 level in XP, including upgrades you had reached in weapon skill and defense,
plus your entire backpack you were carrying around, and 0-2 items you were wielding (sword, shield, armor, etc.)
My helmet for instance was worth 120k or so. (Royal Helmet - very difference prices on different servers and different times in case anyone is wondering). 120k takes very, very long to collect. Boom, you die, you can lose it, AND your Dragon Scales or sth like that.
I never lost any of my important gear, though, but it was always fun to pick valuable stuff up from people you had killed. I only killed people who had in one way or another disrespected me, or for that matter my bait character. The bait character was also 'honest' in the regard that he didn't
provoke people to diss him, he just went about his business in the world, and if someone like 10 levels higher would show up and think he could bully my bait char, that bully would get months of gaming time completely destroyed by my main char and his guild. That was sweet - especially seeing them go from "stfu and give me your lunch money you N00B!!1" to "OMGOMGOMGOMG PLIZPLIZPLIZ NO KILL NO KILL!!111", and then get them hunted forever.
I don't understand why anyone would want to play a non pvp MMORPG. :/