Tagaziel said:
Are we that jaded that we can't recognize good things when they blatantly explode in our faces?

Well, its true that this is the best thing that can happen to Fallout now, but it doesn't change what happened before, which made everything worse.
Vegas isnt out yet, its using Beth#s engine and its done under their supervision.

So one should not be either to excited or to negative and just wait what kind of "real" information they will release first.
Lexx said:
Tagaziel said:
Are we that jaded that we can't recognize good things when they blatantly explode in our faces?

Well, its true that this is the best thing that can happen to Fallout now, but it doesn't change what happened before, which made everything worse.

So you'll never be able to be happy with your new cat, because one of your cats was ran over by an SUV five years ago?
Tagaziel said:
Lexx said:
Tagaziel said:
Are we that jaded that we can't recognize good things when they blatantly explode in our faces?

Well, its true that this is the best thing that can happen to Fallout now, but it doesn't change what happened before, which made everything worse.

So you'll never be able to be happy with your new cat, because one of your cats was ran over by an SUV five years ago?

Well, if they used the brain of the roadkill cat on the new one, not really, unless they manage to make the same brain work like the brain of my first dog.
OK, so this metaphor is getting interesting.

On a dark and rainy night, five years after that fateful day, a rapping echoes down the dismal hallway. As the door squeaks open, sheet lightning frames a tall stranger in a dark coat. You freeze for a second, but then you realize it's just that fellow from the dog pound. He sold you a great dog once. It died, but hey. Great dog. Guy looks a bit strange, though. Different somehow.

A voice like a grating stone slab escapes the pale, cracked lips beneath the shadow of a soggy wide-brimmed hat. "Five years ago. Dog killed. Hit and run. Messy business."

Uh, yes. You know that stuff. Don't see what he's got to...

"Took this long to rebuild it. Done now. Here."

To the sound of thunder, a Thing crosses the threshold to your home. It is a stitched-up thing. A battered thing. A patchwork creature. It stands. It moves. It is... recognizable. It turns its head just slightly, just like so, and for a second you think...

The man from the pound croaks, "That will be $19.99. Thank you kindly."

What is your reply?

[ ] "What a steal! Dogmeat! Come here, you! I'm gonna hug you and pet you and call you George."
[ ] "Wait, WTF."
[ ] "Hmm... knock off a tenner and you have yourself a deal. Left back leg is hanging by a thread. Is that the spleen?"
[ ] "No, seriously, WTF."
[ ] "UuuhhhhhhIdon'treallytakedeaddogsfromstrangersbyeSLAM"

Its a "new" dog at last ...
Thread derailed.... it usually took Alec to post his she-male collections to derail a thread this badly.

Back to the topic at hand, I love the RPG's Obsidian has created, so I am interested in this new Fallout... call me silly, but I'm still hopeful that we'll get a decent fallout at some point.
rcorporon said:
Thread derailed.... it usually took Alec to post his she-male collections to derail a thread this badly.
Someome has to carry on that legacy! I take that as compliment :mrgreen:
The Dutch Ghost said:
aenemic said:
I would be a lot more excited about this if it wasn't for NWN2.

But the guy who made the main campaign for that game left Obsidian for Bioware.

yes, but the writing wasn't the worst part with NWN2. it was such a badly tweaked game I get shivers down my spine just thinking about it. buggy and laggy, almost unplayable at first. and the graphics were horrible.

and then we have KoTOR 2...
Tagaziel said:
Dissing KotOR2?

Those are fight words.

I'm not dissing it, I love that game. but it's one of the most buggy games I've ever played, and it's no secret that it wasn't even finished when it was released.
aenemic said:
I'm not dissing it, I love that game. but it's one of the most buggy games I've ever played, and it's no secret that it wasn't even finished when it was released.

I knew it was LucasArts that forced them to release the game that way, though. Am I wrong?
It was LA alright and then they denied Obsidian a chance to release a restoration patch.