Medal of honor: Pathetic assault.


Antediluvian as Feck
Well there's a demo out, and it was fun downloading it. Less fun playing it though. First of all, it runs like liquid shit on my PC, and second, there are a few bugs. They promised advanced AI, but the nips always did the same things (i.e charge at you with bayonets and katanas). Grenades are less powerful than firecrackers (no, really, I threw one in the middle of a group of enemies, and none of them died from the ,very sad, blast).

As for the last part where you need to shoot down those japanese planes... First of all, they end up targeting you with all their bombs and heavy MGs, but then, if you abandon the machine gun to run for cover, you lose, since all the US planes get shot down. This is stupid. Shooting down about 20 japanese planes single-handedly would have given me 3 medal of honors and a purple heart in real life, but instead I get flamed by my squadmates because I missed a couple that managed to shoot down the entire US Air force. Realistic my cock.
I just knew it would be crap like all the other Medal of Honor games...thats why I dont play action games!

The Vault Dweller
I quite liked Medal of Honour: Allied Assault, but I haven't checked out any of the expansions (or whatever they're called).
It was also the only game I thoroughly enjoyed playing over GameSpy. Seemed pretty realistic to me. :roll:
I had fun with the demo for the first one- where you have to fight through the village to get to the rocket launchers.

Do you have a link to the demo?
Medal of Honors are true shit. Markable example of game that succeeds without anything good in it.
No war-fps will ever be worthy to lick the heels of Operation: Flashpoint and its mods.
We're talking WW2 here, downtown! Opflash is modern warfare, doesn't count. And Call of Duty might be better than MOHAA, but it came out like 3 years later. Besides, the multiplayer tends to get chaotic. Oh well. MOHAA was great, Pathetic assault remains to be seen. All I know is the demo was a pile of shart, for many reasons.
Baboon said:
We're talking WW2 here, downtown! Opflash is modern warfare, doesn't count.

There are plenty of WWII O:F mods out there, tho'. And they all kick MOH ass.
Hats of to OF of course, but I was quite hooked to CoD because of it's cinematic immersiveness and impressive battle scenes. You really felt like common cannon-fodder thrown into maddness of war. MoH games are more doom/wolfenstain type shooters where you're lone wolf superhero struggling against endless hordes of bad guys with sharpened spoon in your hand.
It's true the medal of honor games have been decaying steadily with time, but allied assault was pretty great, both single and multiplayer (well, multiplayer would've been good if it wasn't for the fact that most of the people who played it were fucktards), And it set a standard for heavily scripted, "cinematic" shooters that spawnes some great games, such as Call of Duty.