Medieval warfare: Mongols vs. the Japanese

ANd yet, the Mongols are defeated at the Battle of Ain Jalut by the Mameluks. In part the battle is won because the Mameluks (or Mamluks) are able to close with the Mongols and fight them up close.

And while the Divine Wind is given a lot of credit for keeping the Mongols out of Japan, the Mongols invade Japan at least twice. The fighting is virtually on the beach and the Japanese are able to keep the Mongols contained.

The Yuan Dynasty lasts less than 100 years, is pretty short, and in the process the Mongols bankrupt China, the pearl of their empire. Why wouldn't they do the same to Japan.

The Mongols go for quick invasion and conquest. But that's difficult in mountainous terrain against an enemy on the defensive. While a lot of the construction is wood and paper, the Japanese can also mobilize civilians in ways the Mongols cannot, and would be able to fortify. Meanwhile the Mongols rely on the sea for resupply and it is unlikely they will be able to utilize resources they seize to support their conquest of Japan.

And in terms of conquering armies, we should not forget that the Japanese had kept their hands in Korea on a regular basis.
Yeah I really do agree on the supply line issue. I can't see the Mongols going in there with minimum supplies.

Not to mention over half of the empire the Mongols maid for themselfs was only because they were looking for traitors and those who would cross them and flee.
Loxley said:
The Mongols never had supply lines, they lived of the land, thus a scorched earth policy might have been effective.

Also more on the invasion:

I think they would make an exception for over sea invasion. They adapted to use siege tech once they first took on the Chen. I think it would be safe to say (if they knew what they were up against) they would send more than an army over if they were serious about taking Japan. As I said before I don’t believe they did take out all of China and would have to take them out with their force that was knocking on their door when Timojen and Temur The Lame were Khans. Uggs the more I think about it the harder this is to conceive.
Damn i thought this looked like all of china:
And the Mongols were also defeated by the Vietnamese. Interestingly, one reason for their defeat was that they weren't very good in naval operations.

While we can say that the Mongols were an impressive army, once can't say that they were undefeatable.

That said, the problem for the Mongols is inherent in their system of conquest- they are roving bandits. What they conquer they bankrupt. This is no way to build an empire.
Loxley said:
Damn i thought this looked like all of china:

I can find or draw a map as well. I am not pulling shit out of my ass pally. Why did Timojun march to China? For the hell of it? He died right before attacking what supposedly was all ready his. Why would Timor the Lame do the same thing? And again die, on an interesting note he said if anyone disturbed his grave they and their people would be cursed. The Russians found it and opened it in 1942. A short while later Hitler stormed into Russia killing millions.

I can't find any battles in China other than with the Chin and the sacking of the ancient capital of Bajing, China. Any further attack into China was stopped due to an uprising back at the Mongol steppes. Timojun went after them who fled to the West thus launched the Mongol campaign to the West.

While the Mongols were nomadic to a point I think their primary problem was not enough Mongols to run all that land.
The Chinese was counqered by the mongols. They were so severely counqered that they were forced to give forces to the mongolians during the invasionattempts of Japan. Take a look at the links i have offered.

But fuck this, i have provided links that have suported my views. give me a link that says All of china was not counqered by the mongolians.
Ma, ain't the britest tool in the shed, are you? Even Shanghai Knights talks about the Mongol occupation of China.

It was actually the most important occupation in Chinese history, maybe the most important of any recent occupation...ever. It basically made China into the Xenophobic, backwards place it still is today.

Timur was a Turkmen several hundred years after the Mongol Empire had collapsed into relitivley little states, jackass.
After doing some reading I admit I was wrong Kublai Khan ruled until 1294 then the government was overthrown and the Chinese made another country for themselves. It seems after Beijing was captured the Chinese people favored the Mongols for they were for the most part nicer then their previous leaders. Although it would seem Kublai was more warm hearted than most Mongols.

Sorry John, I did not see that movie. Sorry John, you apparently for whatever reason are angry with me. I'm sorry you have such a short fuse and sorry I set it off. You clearly are superior to myself will your ever forgive me?
Ehh okay. I asked my medivial history teacher, who by the way is specialised in medivial warfare, weather he thinks the mongolians would have been able to take all of europe and he said no. The main reason is that the steppes end before germany and since the Mongolian army had 10 horses for each warrior they could not have been able to feed their horses.
Loxley said:
Ehh okay. I asked my medivial history teacher, who by the way is specialised in medivial warfare, weather he thinks the mongolians would have been able to take all of europe and he said no. The main reason is that the steppes end before germany and since the Mongolian army had 10 horses for each warrior they could not have been able to feed their horses.

Most of the time they did not feed their horses they feed ON their horses. Uhg, the steppes end long before the Byzantine empire... that didn't stop them. I dont understand why your teacher would have given you such an asnwer???
Acording to my teacher the steppes stretch as far as almost half the way through poland and pretty far into the balkans.
Wait, horses can only feed on steppes?

So how did we keep our horses fed? And what was to keep them from stealing our horses' food?

Your history teacher poses an interesting non-argument, especially considering the fact that they went pretty deeply into Europe before being drawn back by internal strife:


All = never, though. No way they could ever get GB. Heh.
Loxley said:
Ehh okay. I asked my medivial history teacher, who by the way is specialised in medivial warfare, weather he thinks the mongolians would have been able to take all of europe and he said no. The main reason is that the steppes end before germany and since the Mongolian army had 10 horses for each warrior they could not have been able to feed their horses.

Ten horses for each warrior? I'd love to see the math on that...

In fact, I'm pretty sure that little "theory" has been disproven by cold, hard mathematics.