Meet the Fallout 3 World Artist

generalissimofurioso said:
Nathan Purkeypile said:
However, if your job is to make art on a console all day, it is an entirely different story. With the amount of power we have on the newer generation of consoles, I am able to create what I want far easier. Instead of constantly checking to see how many polys things are, or how many textures are being used, I just have to worry about making it look great.

Anyone else find that line to be very facecious?

No its just utter rubbish...
Morbus said:
Mikael Grizzly said:

G3 uses a different engine.

Which has recently been optimized by Spellbound.
Yeah, I just checked the wiki and it's Genome, not Gamebryo. I was under the impression it was, I don't know why :\ I always thought it was kind of a wonder how they had done in, you know, shadows (which oblivion lacks), no loadings and all that stuff...

Well, they share a G, an E, O too, even an M slipped in... ;)

Piranhas, I believe, decided on writing a new engine from scratch and while it did what it did quite impressively, it failed when it came down to optimization.

With the newest 1.6 patch it works just fine.
Pff, Putin's scarier than bees. Surprised he didn't go for a beefcake Putin picture though.

NinjaG3edit: 'cept the combat's still wacky as all hell. I actually thought Gothic 3 was kinda cool, except for the completely broken combat. Just couldn't bring myself to play the damn thing any more since I just hammered the left mouse button and hoped my unbreakable combo got going before an enemy unbreakable combo.

Heard Gothic 2's better though, apart from supposedly a really clunky interface. I probably should pick that up some time.
Anyone else find that line to be very facecious?

No its just utter rubbish...

People are very close to crossing the line into self-parody.

Have we now reached the point where the usual conventions of hyperbole in english have to be discarded in favour of bald, bland strict statements, for fear that critics will carefully twist any mundane remark? It all seems a bit petty, given the very real errors, misstatements, mistruths, and propaganda pieces issued by other members of the Fallout 3 team.

The, er, world art has probably been the strongest aspect of what we've seen so far.

I'm quite sure that Nathan was employing a degree of linguistic latitude in claiming that the entire design process occurs in his head, and that he doesn't have to worry about polygon counts. It is all fair enough really, because he does answer the questions he was asked. The fact that they're not really very good or incisive questions - and that he is unable to say very much - is not his fault.

Still, I suppose any real news is slow in coming at the moment, so people are venting their spleens towards any available target.
Bernard Bumner said:
Still, I suppose any real news is slow in coming at the moment, so people are venting their spleens towards any available target.

Yes. The anal criticism will probably die down when information surfaces again, since pretty much every piece of information Bethesda released gave some reason for real criticism ('cept maybe the PIPBoy design doc)

I don't like it when people get anal either, it gets in the way of making real points. But hell, can't stop people from being bored.
I don't see too much of a reason to complain about this guy. He seems to love what he does, and he seems to love the type of art design for which the Fallout series is famous. How much more can you ask for, really?
LuckyOasis said:
I don't see too much of a reason to complain about this guy. He seems to love what he does, and he seems to love the type of art design for which the Fallout series is famous. How much more can you ask for, really?
To play Fallout ;p
Of course we don't know if he's played it, because it's obviously forbidden question.
Bernard Bumner said:
...Still, I suppose any real news is slow in coming at the moment, so people are venting their spleens towards any available target.

I can vent my spleen?

Why haven't I been informed of this!?

But back on point.

I just find it very annoying when people say that great video game art is directly correlated to slamming polys and textures together.

There's a major difference between technical limitations and the ability to convey great imagery.
generalissimofurioso said:
I can vent my spleen?

Why haven't I been informed of this!?

Didn't you read the manual that came with it?

generalissimofurioso said:
But back on point.

I just find it very annoying when people say that great video game art is directly correlated to slamming polys and textures together.

There's a major difference between technical limitations and the ability to convey great imagery.

Yes, but I think his point was simply and actually that the technical limitations of next generation consoles are similar to those of current PCs, for the purposes of graphics development; that he doesn't need to make allowances for clunky console graphics when he designs using the PC as his primary development platform.

In theory, this is good news.
Bernard Bumner said:
Yes, but I think his point was simply and actually that the technical limitations of next generation consoles are similar to those of current PCs, for the purposes of graphics development; that he doesn't need to make allowances for clunky console graphics when he designs using the PC as his primary development platform.

The Xbox 360 is the primary development platform for all of Bethesda's staff, including this guy.

And again, I don't think optimization would fall under his supervision.
Brother None said:
The Xbox 360 is the primary development platform for all of Bethesda's staff, including this guy.

And again, I don't think optimization would fall under his supervision.

Okay, but I think the point still stands; his comment was simply a banale observation about the closing of the gap between platform technologies.

Presumably, whilst optimization might not fall within his remit, he would still need to be mindful of the complexity of his creations in order that they can be reproduced cross-platform. If the technological limitations of those platforms is similar, then it may well simplify the design ethic he applies.