AND I LOVE ALL DEM HOT KEYS! LOOT! REGROUP! (There's 2 more there also....) REGROUP IS MY FAVE!!!!!!!
Oh! About the Den! MY FAVORITE QUEST EVER!!!!! The children! It works. High speech is needed (>90), but it works. I think Mom even acknowledges it, well, the little boy with the abusive father does, so I kinda considered the quest line closed when he is happily awaiting the orphanage's grand opening.

Only problem is, after the orphanage opens, there is still a child standing by Tubby's and stealing for Flick. Idk if it is part of some quest about poisoning Tubby's kid with a poisoned lollipop but ;_;. I am with Mom - life sucks, life post atomic apocalypse sucks more, and life in the Den is t3h suckiest.... I am not killing kids who are just doing what I am to survive and make a buck.
Ah. In the 2.46 version, after Broken Hills quests are all done (Chad, Purifier, missing people, even Phil's electricity and Broken Hills optimization grid, though I hope that last one is NOT a requirement for taking Marcus along, don't think he'd stick around just b/c of some sweaty, fly-encrusted ghoul instead of travelling with moi and listening to Myron hit on me and Cassidy cussing at 'im and Sulik glarin' at Vic and Klint rolling his eyes at all of them while catching my gaze)..... Point is, in the 2.46 version, after the Broken Hills quests are done, Marcus is still not attainable. He still says, "when things calm down, then I just might." Even tho Franc and Mason are once again back in prison, Chad has been taken care of, the mutants are happily working in the mine (that's why I never explode the purifier - a hoarde of unemployed angry mutants reminds me too much of the Master's Army. *shivers*)
As for the oxygen tank.... After I kill Salvatore (I always kill him, he is the epitome of the CHILD KILLER PERK, hate him, hate him so much, >_< ).... I think I tried equipping an oxygen tank in the original Fallout 2, without any patches, and it does nothing. It always disappointed me because Fallout is one of those games where you can do anything you figure out how to do (Even MAKE DYNAMYTE! HAHA! DANGEROUS DAN ROCKS! I won't give him Redding, but I'll pay for dynamyte making lessons, yes I will!^^).
That oxygen tank allows me to finish with the mine purifier quest earlier. Without needing to get to the EPA, get the gas mask, and THEN go to Broken Hills. Plus, ugh, I can never meet the traveller who gives me the EPA location, it's always MYRON who tells me about the EPA and I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have to dig up that stupid stash of Mordino's on Golgotha UGH. (I do wish it were possible for Myron to give up the EPA's location even if I DON'T dig up Mordino's stash. Maybe an extra line when talking to Myron and when he says that if I keep him around, he knows the location of Mordino's stash, maybe there could be a choice to say, "Don't care about that, Myron. Got anything else?" And then he spills about the EPA.
I did wonder about the Gatekeeper. I have never encountered him AT ALL in Megamod. Then again, I play with Luck 2 (or 1). So maybe that's it? I was kinda hoping that I could take a taxi from New Reno to the Gatekeeper (I do so enjoy fcuking with 'im and watching him lose his mind mwahahahahahaha). Is it possible to add the Gatekeeper location as one of the Taxi's possible routes from New Reno? I'm not sure if it would be expensive because it's "exotic," or cheap because "no one ever comes back," either would be okay with me.
I like Myron because NO ONE COMPLIMENTS ME LIKE MYRON. ^_^ To Klint I am nothing but "Chosen One," Sulik would gladly stay farther away from me because, and I quote, "You probably going to get shot at anyway." But Myron.....

Every time I talk to 'im, he always smiles at me and every single conversation with him starts out with a "Why HELLO THERE BEAUTIFUL." <-- See why I want Myron around? =)
I reckon a "happier" ending could be just NOT including that slide of Myron getting shot in the Den. No news is good news, y'know? =) 'Sides, Myron is just a kid. I keep trying to place 'im, and he is AT MOST 19 YEARS OLD. At most. Which makes him like 14-16, maybe 16-17 because it took him a year to invent Jet. I remember ME at 16. No one deserves to be shot just because they acted stupid. And Myron isn't a slaver, he just invents stuff.... it's actually kinda great that he got interested in Science rather than dying somewhere in the wasteland or becoming a Raider.
Yeah. Did I say that I don't like it when kids get shot? (I'll never play Fallout 3 because there is that stupid quest in Fairy Tale Land where you are walking around Suburbia, and you have to kill a child just for the Dream Sequence Thing to end. Ugh. Not even to end a quest. I also hate Fallout3 because I watched people play it out and film their game and apparently you cannot save your father, whom you are looking for in Fallout 3. WTF? Since when do you NOT succeed in your main Fallout quest? That's always an effin' given! >_< YOU DO GET THE WATER CHIP. YOU -DO- FIND THE GECK. (WTF Fallout 3? First killing children, then killing dads. No. Just no.)
So as you can see, there is a lot of bad blood between me and child-killing.
Ideally, I'd just adopt Myron after marrying Marcus and we live happily ever after (and if Myron acts out, Marcus spanks him^^). Marcus is quite heavy-handed, I doubt Myron would act out after 1-2 times. And POOF! WELL BEHAVED MYRON! THANKEE MARCUS!
Did I say why I love Marcus? And I love his voice and his calm, soothing manner of speaking. I tell ya, DAVIN MEANS NOTHIN' TO ME! I only marry him out of necessity (of needing a mule to carry all the stuff I find in the desert^^). If I could marry Marcus, I WOULD.
Am kinda thinking about the parameters that Marcus would "prefer" in his women. Cuz he is green, I think of him like Shrek, and Shrek prefers Fiona when she is a troll, so maybe Marcus is all about the inner beauty as well.... oh, that'd just be so great. It would be a nice advantage to "ugly" characters - On the one hand, Myron will never hit on you with Charisma 2. On the other...... Marcus just might.
I just love me a man with a big gun.