Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

-Maybe it's possible to add in a little "side quest" to Redding, activated after "clearing out the mine." Just a line (no more than 2) visiting the Last Gasp Saloon and explaining to the bar man what was digging up the graves. And telling him not to worry about it, no more graves will be dug up, all the unwelcome residents of the mine have been taken care of, courtesy of YOU. =)

I always thought it was a shame that there was no option to tell that barman what has been happening with the graves, adding an entire new level of paranoia to the jet addicted miners who have to also see corpses more than they should. (On the other hand, Redding does not have a drinking problem. But on the other, perhaps this explains why everyone insists on getting away from their problems and doing drugs. Who wants to see their dearly departed after they have...... well, DEPARTED? XD )

SUGGESTION:The female character boxing/fighting ring costume? Hmmmm..... Maybe use the way the female Chosen One looks inside the Arroyo temple when boxing? Arroyo tribal women wear some kind of baggy pants. Perfect for hand-to-hand combat. ;)
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More good news for you :) In sfall (which used in megamod) you can set the mode when YOU control actions of all your NPC partners. )
It's in the file ddraw.ini , if you set ControlCombat=2, you would directly control all party members in the combat! )

Well. It DOES give control of NPC's over to the player. On the other hand.... the accuracy of the NPC's leaves alot to be desired. (They all missed hitting an alien that stood 2 steps away from them. I am serious. :O ) I have the sense that they show better accuracy when left to their own devices. With the ControlCombat=2 thing, Miria's accuracy is 45%, which is a little bit too low for her at the stage she is at.
the accuracy of the NPC's leaves alot to be desired.
Well, NPC do what they can, what their stats allow them :) . Sulik is OK with 14mm pistol and even better with .223. Cassidy is very good with rifles. You shouldn't expect much from folks such as Miria - they have no combat training (no ST, no PE, no AG, no serious levelling up). ))
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Oh, they shoot just fine by themselves. =) But taking control of them gave them accuracy of 45% and around that. O_o No idea what happened. But on the other hand..... I don't want to control my *friends.* I want 'em to watch my back (NOT "SHOOT" IT, VIC, DAMMIT >_<). Sulik (or Klint) had the 14mm and Klilnt (or Sulik) the .223 and Miria is a VERY GOOD SHOOTER with the revolver. Just not when CombatControl=2, for some reason. O_o Some of the stuff Miria says gets old, but I love that I don't have to hunt her down to use her as a mule. She is always the closest to the Chosen One.

I don't' know if it's purposeful that Miria cannot differentiate distance like Skynet can (no long range, medium , only CLOSE RANGE for Miria), but after I saw her shoot - I don't mind having her around. ;)

Actually, the first time Miria impressed me she was her unmodded self (in Restoration?). Couldn't tell her to wait for nothing, but she was the most aggressive NPC I have ever had! Knife in hand and she is running forward, no enemy too frightening, to hack and slash away at them (or die trying). If it was up to her, I swear she'd've killed all our enemies with sheer BALLS on that woman. Not even Sulik has balls like Miria. They probably jingle when she walks. Seriously I was looking at her like O_O OMG WHAT A WOMAN!

But sadly, it's the latter that came true. ;_; It was crap that she could only use knives because she never levelled up (restoration, I think), def restoration), but her enthusiasm made keeping her around well worth it. ;_; Until we ran afoul of some scary dudes hiding in caves with energy weapons and .223 pistols and cattle prods. RIP Miria.

I loved her enthusiasm so much I just couldn't let her be killed off so miserably. So I reloaded and never went searching her out. No point if she couldn't be told to wait. (Actually, I think I *would* have kept her if she could only be told to WAIT FOR ME. Even if she couldn't level up. ;) BUT I LOVE THAT SHE LEVELS UP IN MM! And I think dat girl can use more weapons than me. I saw her picking up a flamer off a dead raider. I thought revolver would be perfect for her delicate hands, but I guess size matters to Miria. :) Gotta love her for trying, anyway! BEST WIFE A MAN COULD HAVE! SEX AND BIG GUNS! What's not to love? ;)

-The possibility of asking T-ray to fuel up the car. This one for free.... if he thinks Chosen is Bishop's lieutenant. (Because he doesn't always have fuel cells..... or maybe availability is based on a roll of luck (which I do not have *sigh*).

-The possibility of asking Smitty to fuel up the car. This one for money.

-Should Chris be able to fuel up the Chosen One's car? (Not sure how useful that would be, because his life span decreases drastically after he meets the Chosen One). But maybe the gas pump at his station could have a "hand" tool where Chosen can fill up the car himself at Chris' station?

-Klint is unStealable from. (LOL what a word!). Could it be maybe done so that it IS possible to steal from Klint? =) When he is in your party, of course. ;)

There might actually be something to this LUCK thing. With only a 2-point increase in luck it is quite possible for an ant to trigger one of the traps in the Temple and die, saving the Chosen One from a nasty ant bite. xD I was gonna go kill 'im and all, and then I noticed that it was dead. And with a wooden spear through it. Ha! Lucky me! (:

Food for thought for the New Arroyo location.
-Maybe Hakunin's remains actually decompose after the Chosen "speaks" to him for the last time, turning into bones that can be laid to rest in New Arroyo in a graveyard. Not sure if XP and karma cost should be very small or outrageously large, though - I would do this for Hakunin regardless of XP (even if XP given for this was symbolic - 1XP). Or maybe go the other way and truly honor Hakunin by giving 10K XP and 100 karma or something. And maybe a status change in Arroyo, from "Idolized" to "More idolized" (What sounds more impressive than "More idolized?"^^)

-Maybe the code could be borrowed from Anna's bones. They spawn spontaneously after Chosen returns her lost relic. Maybe Hakunin could do that too: have his remains spawn his bones after being "spoken" to by the Chosen, besides his robes (Repair check for the robes?). And in the description for Hakunin's remains could be something alluding to their importance to the Chosen - something like "You feel a strong urge not to leave your mentor lying at the site of so much devastation. Perhaps a more appropriate burial spot could be found..." ;)

-Found a very pretty empty wine bottle. But Bob doesn't buy it from me. Would be cool to sell him these pretty empty wine bottles, too.
-Would be nice to learn how to skin mole-rats. Maybe in Redding? There's all those rat races, so they don't lack for rat corpses. Or Balthas. I can imagine him bashing molerats' heads in with those insane arms of his. =)
-AND WHY CAN'T WE MAKE A COMBAT LEATHER JACKET? By the end of things, it looks like Balthas would do anything for me, I need only ask. Oh! Found a bug:

-After returning Johnny to his mom and dad, Mrs Balthas goes off to her room and if you talk to her, she is still crying over Johnny and missing him. And talking to Johnny implies you are still a stranger to him (even though he knows your name from the moment you meet him) because all you can do is offer him scary stranger candy instead of just saying hello. (I think he's supposed to say stuff like "I'm not afraid of the dark anymore" but it ends up with you forgetting his name and calling him "kid.")

-It would be nice to be able to cook fish. =) How cool would it BE if it increased perception for a couple of hours? ;) And maybe the opportunity to buy fish? San Francisco sounds like a place that could sell fish, directly from the fishermen or in the store. Hmmmmm, maybe there could be a caravan of fishermen, selling fish, that we could meet. Like we can meet the farmers. (They're a lucky find, love dem fruitses!^^). Hmmm. It would require A FISH AND A STOVE. O_o Ok, now that I think about it some more, maybe it's not so much LEARNING TO COOK A FISH and maybe more like asking someone to cook me a fish. Like Mom in the Den, besides the cooking lady in Sulik's tribe. =)

-It would be cool if, in exchange for bringing firewood, the cooking lady feeds you fish. Then the description tells you that you gain perception after eating the fish and ask the lady about it. (AND MAYBE *SHE* CAN TEACH YOU TO COOK THE FISH, AS THANKS FOR GATHERING FIREWOOD.^^). And then we could EAT the fish! :3

-The stamina potion whose side effect is nightmares does not work. I see no nightmares. I think I'm supposed to be seeing Hakunin, telling me to hurry up and find the GECK, right? =) See, told ya I was PERCEPTIVE. ;)

-We should be able to eat Cheezy Poofs. ;)
-We should also be able to eat jerky. (Now that's GOOD EATIN'!^^).

-When Maria sends me to clean the latrines, I end up in the kitchen when there's a perfectly good toilet/shower area behind the Sarge. =) (And maybe he should say something like, "Ohhhhh, my intestines. I shouldn't have eaten that gecko meat. XD ).

-Why can't we cure Tony in Collyweb? (And, with a high doctor skill, maybe tell him that he should find himself some Rad-Away.). But I have no problem just using a rad-away on him, all silent-like, and running away before he has a chance to think about it. xD And maybe the description afterwards could read: "You see Tony. His hair is slowly growing back in.")
-If I think about it, this could also be a way to join the Lumpens without killing anyone. Maybe Tony blurts out his secret food stash after you cure him and you demand he shows you. Upon your return, you tell him that it is chock-full of radiation and so is his food. Allowing you to take some of it away without him turning aggressive. (This would explain why he doesn't attack you after you steal his dog food collection should you come back afterwards and try to talk to him.).
-I just have this THING about killing losers. I don't like to do it. LOL.
-Not even the jetheads not letting Mom build her orphanage. (And man oh man! I wish the speech requirement for convincing them to help Mom was like 50% - it's like 90% if you don't want to kill them off. :( Which I don't. They have like 35 hit points, and even with a Spear, they are so easy to kill off it's not interesting.)

-Would be nice to be able to make combat armor. =)
-.....and have Balthas teach you to skin mole rats, as part of his teaching.
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-Would be nice to be able to make combat armor. =)
I can think of only person who can teach one to make Combat Armor - Algernon [it can be made VERY funny]. :) The armor should be made ~ from metal armor, couple pieces of junk (lint), ten fire-gecko skins and a rubber boots. ))) And you have to have T51 manual in your inventory, of cause. As a reference. )))

@MIB88: Please, consider this as a suggestion for the future MM development. )
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@MIB88 , I took a stab at fixing the "fuel meter" for the car.
Unfortunately for me, Nirran's code was a bit advanced and it was hard to for me to follow, but in the end I think I got it right. Or close enough. :smile:
What I had to do was basically stop the trunk script from changing protos (and swapping items between trunks etc.), and replace that with just changing the artwork fids instead.
It seems to work, at least as far as I have tested. Driving around to different maps, change paint, items in trunk, car out of gas, leaving the car and walk.
What I haven't tested is what happens if you leave the car at Vault 15 and the map gets updated or what happens to the car when you use the Vertibird. Didn't change anything specific to that what i know of, so hopefully it works.

It's just these two files, denbus1.int and zicrtrnk.int.

With these scripts you no longer need to have the multiple car trunks in the party file, though removing them will break save compatibility iirc.

I'm not sure how compatible this is anyway. Starting a new game or If you haven't been to the Den yet it should work fine, but if you have been there and not gotten the car yet I think it will break the map. Also, unless you have the grey metallic car when replacing the scripts, everything in the trunk will be lost. Oh and one more thing, on an old savegame, the car will not get changed until you drive it off the map, but the trunk will, so remove items from it before adding those scripts.

And for anyone interested, there are a few drivable cars hidden in the Megamod (for good reasons as they don't really fit that well in the game). If you have the fallout2 savegame editor, you can change Gvar 1644 to 3, 4, 5 or 6 (0, 1 and 2 are for the normal car). The car won't change until you drive it off the map.
Awesome work. Thank you. I'll make sure to include this fix in the next major release, so as not to mess up savegane compatibility.

The way I envisioned the armor aspect to eventually work was to be able to find scraps of various armors from the critters your character killed in order to put together complete sets of armor. Full sets of armor is really something for a character who has a facility and tools to work with (to be added someday). @Nirran and I discussed this at length and he has already provided a framework for this to eventually happen. I don't really see Algernon being much of an armor manufacturer, though. His strengths lies with weapons. However, one of my rough ideas is to have Algernon teach the player how to make some things if the player had the right mix of perks or traits (also to be added later). But these were to be more like Easter egg items than items which would be critical to the game.

For all:
Modding is on hold for a couple of weeks while I go and participate in some training. However, please keep the ideas, bug reports, comments, and [the much appreciated] fixes coming.
I don't really see Algernon being much of an armor manufacturer, though. His strengths lies with weapons.
I don't see him personally manufacturing armor either, but he can be an interesting TEACHER. Thanks for thinking also in that direction. And thanks for your great work on MM. ))
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Would you like to re-integrate Armor Charisma back into F2 ? It would be really interesting to get some charismatic armor in the game. ) OR, even better! Have some person who can make the armor you own "charismatic". )
Welp, I found more bugs in my game.

1. Whenever I go to the Abbey, the game crashes, more precisely when I click on the green arrow in the world map.

2. Whenever I try to get inside vault 14, the game exits to the main menu, as if I pressed esc then exit game.

3. Some elevators won't work at all, like the vault 23 elevator and the EPA utility floor elevators. I can walk through them though.

4. Now, I don't really know if this is a bug but I've got an advanced power armor and I still get hit for 15+ dmg by colts or other weak guns.

5. The trigger activated dynamite shows 5 or 6 dialog options when you arm it, first is "You disarm the dynamite" and the rest is Error.

I just installed the mod onto a fresh fallout 2 install, and noticed several items having the wrong names/icons. (I.e The old weapon of the vault dweller, found at the end of the temple of trials, was named "Machine parts")
Some items seem to be missing completely, such as the flint that the auntie is supposed to have in Arroyo. According to the megamod wiki guide, you are supposed to get a cooking pot for the auntie in exchange for the flint, but no such cooking pot could be found.
All the items of the original game seem to be working okay, and most of the new items of this mod seem to be working as well. Just not all of them.

This is such an obvious bug that I am quite sure someone would have mentioned such a thing already, but I couldn't find any mention of such issues in Arroyo. This leads me to believe that it could be an issue on my part. Does anyone have an idea what is causing this?

I have played this mod before, a couple of years ago. I don't remember having any issues like this back then.

Thanks in advance!
I have played this mod before, a couple of years ago. I don't remember having any issues like this back then.
You may consider using Pyran repack for the comfortable and reliable automated installation of MM. Also, it would probably be better to use previous 2.46 version, because currently released 2.47 may have problems with some locations.

PS: If you install MM over clean F2 (into the same folder) you should delete fallout2.cfg after installation (the correct one will be created automatically after the first start).
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-The armor aspect sounds GREAT. I don't care who can teach me. I just wanna be taught to MAKE STUFF in the Fallout world! :) That rec for junk and rubber boots (LOL, maybe gecko skins'd be better. I can make better boots out of gecko skins than toilet-cleaning boots, haha!^^) sounds like a great recipe, though - not sure why T51 manual would be for making combat armor, though - I thought it was a manual for POWER ARMOR. Don't care, though. What do I know anyway? Maybe I was holding the book upside down all this time, and it really *is* used for making power armor. :)

-It would be awesome to be able to buy a car from a CHOICE of car models. Tho maybe this would be possible in Reno. Smitty just doesn't have the resources, I don't think.

-The toaster in the EPA shows inventory. As in: can't talk to him at all. (In 2.46, he could talk. In errors, but still.^^)

-ARMOR CHARISMA SOUNDS GREAT! I think Combat Leather Jacket is the perfect armor for ARMOR CHARISMA! (Has the right description for it, already!^^)

-What armor allows us to walk through green goo, undamaged? (Because it's really funny to see a guy in this HUGE POWER ARMOR jumping from foot to foot as he walks through green slime. XD). I am not sure if this is a BUG or not, but maybe a guy wearing power armor (or girl^^) shouldn't be affected by green toxic stuff? I think immunity to this stuff starts from metal armor and upwards - that's when the damage from the goo stops. ;)

I think the advice for Vault 14 and the car was - Don't. As in, don't bring your car to Vault 14.
I think also DON'T leave your car in Vault 15 - not until they join NCR, at least. They ARE a good place to leave the car when heading to Vault 14 - but maybe drive around for a while, give them time to redecorate, THEN come on back. I think people's inventory is intact in vault 15, though (I wouldn't risk my car tho^^). I think I gave Zeke a shotgun and shells, and THAT stayed put after the V15 "upgrade." 'Cuz way I figure it - the squatters need at least one guy with a gun who can defend 'em all.

-In the encounter Farmers vs Raiders, please DON'T GIVE THE FARMERS SMG'S. They have like 35 hit points and end up killing each other. ;_; And they have children there, too. :( Plus they are country folk - it would make sense for them to have SHOTGUNS. Regular shotguns would be great, but I guess sawed-off are ok, too. Also give them shotgun shells, too. I don't like it when they run out of ammo and the raiders kill them. (Because I meet them early on, when I am a melee char, and they are a GREAT help in killing raiders!). Then I loot the Raiders' corpses..... and PROFIT! :)


And OMG OMG OMG OMG I CAN ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING *NICE* FOR RENESCO! He always looked so forlorn to me, polishing the one good lens on his glasses. ;_; It's very sad. And I never knew that there was more to this but (not to give too much away) - THERE IS! AND I FINALLY FOUND IT! (After 50+ playthroughs LOL). Actually, I'd've never found it if I didn't watch a playthrough of it on youtube. =) *hugs Renesco who scowls at me cuz he thinks I did it to get free Jet* ROCKETMAAAAAAAAAAAN! ROCKETMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Whoah whoah whoah ROCKETMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! :)

-(Because of the "annoying" factor....)
-It is very tedious that the key to Vault 14 can only be found via a random location. (I agree because I never got this random encounter at all, not after talking to Marcus about armor, and not when walking around V14.).
-Maybe in the military base.... one of the mutants could have it on 'em.... ? Or be in one of the lockers? (Or not, consdering these mutants are Redding natives, then.....)
-Maybe Marcus could have one of the keys.... "kept it for old times' sake," or something, from his dipping-humans-in-FEV mutant days...... ;)
-Or maybe it can be on a shelf in his house. (Wait. No. I like the random effect of the shelves. No. Maybe Marcus has it on 'im. And you can't steal it until you KNOW what that key is for. As in, after TALKIN' to 'im.^^)
-I do like the idea of Marcus just having this key.... even on him. And the description of it could read "ask Marcus about it." Because such a find needs a hint.
-Considering the size of the Master's Army, it's a safe bet for more than one mutant to have the key. Especially if the vault is still being used (they need a key to come and go. What do they do if the one guy with a key goes trading? Sit and knit? XD)

Someone throw out a good idea about this, plz. What is the best way to acquire the Master V14 Key without idle travelling in search of a random encounter (tedious)?

-Scraptown does not appear in among PipBoy quests. (Nor in the list of towns with karma, I don't think.)
-Impossible to get to Abbey. Father Tully missing line about location. But randomly we get the quest to bring Abbey booze to Father Tully, and this quest appears under the town "Merchant" in the PipBoy quests, rather than "Abbey."

-Rose's omelets are said to "cure what ails ya." Maybe they should.... LITERALLY.... CURE what ails ya. Radiation? Gone. Addiction? Gone. Crippled limbs? Yep. Gone. Astigmatism? (aka Eye damage^^) Yup, yup. Cure-all. =) Would be a nice addition to an early experience, where there are no doctors in at least 3 towns in a row, starting from the first.
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You may consider using Pyran repack for the comfortable and reliable automated installation of MM. Also, it would probably be better to use previous 2.46 version, because currently released 2.47 may have problems with some locations.

PS: If you install MM over clean F2 (into the same folder) you should delete fallout2.cfg after installation (the correct one will be created automatically after the first start).

Thanks for the reply!

I tried using the repacks, and they seem to be quite handy in setting up the mod. The 2.47 repack didn't affect the naming of items though. The 2.46 repack on the other hand did fix the naming of items problem for me. Therefore it seems like the issue I am having is indeed only present in 2.47.

However, I couldn't find the cooking pot, or the flint required for making a sharpened spear in the 2.46 version either. Has the quest been changed at some point?
You may consider using Pyran repack for the comfortable and reliable automated installation of MM. Also, it would probably be better to use previous 2.46 version, because currently released 2.47 may have problems with some locations.

PS: If you install MM over clean F2 (into the same folder) you should delete fallout2.cfg after installation (the correct one will be created automatically after the first start).

I think I'm gonna use this instead 'cause I couldn't get into some locations in my previous playthrough.
I couldn't find the cooking pot, or the flint required for making a sharpened spear in the 2.46 version either. Has the quest been changed at some point?
Nope, the quest is the same. One pot is in the chest in the Elder's hut and the other you can buy from Slik. Also you have to ask Slik about the flint before talking to aunt Morlis.
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Nope, the quest is the same. One pot is in the chest in the Elder's hut and the other you can buy from Slik. Also you have to ask Slik about the flint before talking to aunt Morlis.

Okay, thanks for the information. For now I think I will play the 2.46 version, since I can actually get the items working there.
In 2.46 Myron talked in "Errors," and in 2.47 the item names did not match descriptions. (If I am remembering the glitches correctly C: ). And I can't play 2.44 because it corrupts all my saves though I still managed to play through *once* all the way to Broken Hills, when everything just C R A S H E D. ;_; That rly sucked. (I love that crusty ghoul!^^). XD Spongebob has the Krusty Krab, Broken Hills has a crusty ghoul.... it's no contest, really. ;)

And if you can't find the flint, talk to Mynoc (not Klint^^). Ha, I'm a poet, and I didn't even know it! ;)