Men in Black


First time out of the vault
Ever wish you had one of these:


Every time you install fallout again?
If it could be that selective, I'd so want one. Use it before every game, not just Fallout, and get to experience all the "holy shit!" (that monster is f*cking scary, this gun frickin' pwns, that's an awesome secret, etc.) moments every time through.
Oh god yes, especially with Torment. The feelings I got starting that game were so intense... talking with the crazy collector who wanted to eat you, and then you give him your finger, owww I flipped out the first time.
I often thought about this. Just imagine the possibilities! Playing fallout or watching the Matrix or Pulp Fiction for the first time again! Hell, I would pay money for that.
I haven't watched any of MiB movies but I am curious... what device is it and what does it do?
And BTW are those movies worth watching?
Seelix said:
I haven't watched any of MiB movies but I am curious... what device is it and what does it do?
It erases memories and allows the user to implant new memories and even instructions.
Seelix said:
And BTW are those movies worth watching?
The first one, yes. It's pretty good. The second one is crap, though, so stay away.
You would have to have used it after the first time you played the game, otherwise you would have to erase years of your life. Could be worth it for Torment.
Or you could search for a doctor like the one in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. They were capable of erasing very specific memories. You'd have to get rid of everything that might remind you of Fallout, though. So you'd have to say goodbye to your copies, leave this forum forever and perhaps ask a family-member (before erasing your memory, of course), to give you a copy of Fallout for your next birthday. That might work.

Sounds like more trouble than it's worth, though. And, of course, doctors like that don't exist; Yet.

Tell you what, though: for €250 + travel costs, I'm willing to come over and beat the memory of Fallout out of your skull with a baseball bat. How does that sound to you? :D

Here is a real life one.....