Metalheart demo!

"Crud! We shouldn't have crashed our shuttle!"

Hey, it's not that bad. It sounds a bit satirical.
Ha! It wouldn't have been so bad saying it once, but they said it around 3 times in one dialogue session. I did find the reference to having to take care of a pet turtle (while talking to the crime boss or whatever) somewhat amusing. Also the male character almost slipping in saying that the female is his emperor. I can tell they're trying, but jesus....they need to try harder.
Russians have kown weakness in learning foreign languages. Believe me, I know.
That's why they should've hire someone who's native language is english, but it's sure cheaper to do the silly translation such as this by yourself.

Character generation is quite strange.
Do you think it makes sense that there'a no diversification of character's main stats(streght/agility/inteligence) and skills(sniper)?
The lack of character creation is a major flaw I forgot to mention. It's the aspect that makes every RPG more RPG having ability to start the game as completely differently biased person. Here you are stuck with this odd couple and their strange sense of humour expressed in bad english. :roll:
Gnidrologist said:
Russians have kown weakness in learning foreign languages. Believe me, I know.

Ahem. No comment.

Anyways, the sense of humor is a little goofy in Russian from what I've been able to see. The game keeps crashing for no apparent reason though. If I get it to work I'll tell you more, but I'm about ready to give up.


I uninstalled it and reinstalled it in English and DEAR GOD. Its a little tongue in cheek in Russian but the translation in English is just beyond bad. It looks like they just ran it through some random online translator. I could do a much better job myself.

On a side note, its still randomly crashing for no good reason I can see.
I`m with Dhruin from RPGDot on this:
I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of those occasions when a regional publisher releases an internal demo before they are supposed to. Just seems strange that a Polish distie has it on their 15-capacity FTP but Akella themselves don't mention it.
Maximous said:
Ok...Can't get it to run. Installed the files. Installed WMV9 files. No Runnie. I do have XP SR2. Anyone else not get it running?


Yep, I can't get it to run either. I get the well known "illegal operation" error.

I assume it's because my computer isn't good enough, but I'm not sure.
::scratches this off of his 'things to DL' list::

Lauren, why not get them to pay you to translate it ? You speak passable english.
No, we Russians have a "kown" weakness when it comes to languages. I have no hope of translating anything accurately. None at all.
I doubt you can even understand what I'm typing right now.
ow come on, dont sell yourself short dear lauren...

however, the demo reminded me of this:

You have no chance to survive make your time.
Still Silent Storm is much more fun to play, but it's a different genre of course so it's kinda hard to compare them.

Then again, remember that this is only a demo so the game could change.
Official Refutation

From Akella's website [ ]:

2.11.2004 - Official Refutation!!!

As we have just learned, a “demo” of Metalheart: Replicants Rampage appeared in the World Wide Web not so long ago. It’s our duty to inform you that “Akella” is not responsible for this illegal distribution at all. This is not an official demo-version and it appears to be an incomplete fragment of 2003-year game build flooded with various errors.

This inconvenience has occurred due to frustrating misunderstanding between “Akella” and its partner that has mistakenly put the archive into the Web. The situation is being discussed and taken care of right now.

However, it won’t influence the date of release at all. It will happen in January 2005 as it was previously announced. For this very “demo” is not a complete and tested product, we’d appreciate much if you do not mind its appearance. The final version will be completely different regarding the total conversion of RPG system and many other aspects directly influencing the general game concept itself.

We are especially addressing the masters of web sites that host this archive asking them insistently to remove it from their download sections immediately as it corrupts our respected name. Let’s not allow any provocations to confuse us.

At this very moment the official site of the game is under intensive construction. You will be able to find all the necessary information on Metalheart: Replicants Rampage there just a few days later.
That's good news Gloomster.
I was hoping that it was going to be very different from the final release and it seems this is the case.
Gnidrologist said:
Russians have kown weakness in learning foreign languages. Believe me, I know.

Thats a pretty stupid thing to say if you ask me. I was friends with this kid who was russian and his command of the English language was more impressive than the majority of people in America. And of course Commissar Lauren I would have never guessed was Russian.

Anyway, I can feel for Akella in terms of gaining a bad name due to the inconvenient release of this erroneous demo. I do hold higher hopes for the quality of the final product.
Its true enough that most of Akella's games have suffered from a somewhat goofy translation. They have an off beat sense of humor that carries through into most of their games, and alot of times it gets a little lost in the translation to English. I'm a big fan of theirs though, even though in the end I tend to be disappointed with their games. Especially turning the very promising Sea Dogs II into a rushed buggy crapfast of a movie cash in that was Pirates of the Caribbean.

Their Age of Sail series also disappointed, being crippled by both annoying and show stopping bugs. That was particularly disappointing considering how great all those games could have been, and how small the number of games for that niche market are.

Hopefully Metalhearts and the upcoming Swashbuckler will prove my dedication to their cause has not been in vain.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong but Gnidrologist is from Riga right? He'd have plenty of first hand experience with Russian speakers there.
It's a common generalization to say that Russians (or any other aliens, like the US calls them) have a bad command of the English language.

Hell I'm Norwegian and thus shouldn't be that good in English, but even I could make the text in that demo look better..

Oh and I love this phrase from the "announcement" from Akella:
Let’s not allow any provocations to confuse us.
What ? Now I'm confused..
Odin said:
It's a common generalization to say that Russians (or any other aliens, like the US calls them) have a bad command of the English language.
Commissar Lauren said:
Also, correct me if I'm wrong but Gnidrologist is from Riga right? He'd have plenty of first hand experience with Russian speakers there.
Yes, my statement was generalization, but hey, what are they for if we never use them.
As Commissar Lauren said, I'm latvian from Riga and really have a lots of experience with russians. I don't want to sound arogant, but russians are a bit sluggish when having to become a part of foreign community. That concerns language problems significantly.
I have russian friends who are much more advanced at languages than me, but exclusions doesn't make my generalization groundless.
I think it's more of a psychological problem of any large nation, not a lack of wit. Average american aren't too keen on learning much about an ''alien'' culture as well.(I don't think they consider this as a shorcomming though).

As for game translation, I'm convinced that every localisation for specific county must be made by people who's native language is the one they're translating to, not vice versa. Otherwise you get clumsy examples like this here leaked demo has. I doubt it will be much improved in final release.
Gnidrologist said:
I'm latvian from Riga and really have a lots of experience with russians. I don't want to sound arogant..

Woe unto me. If only I could understand those confusing English words! Truly! I am so woefully unintegrated with my society it surely must be better to die then to live with this sluggish Russian mind of mine. So many languages just beyond my grasp, like German and English that I've only deluded myself and those around me into thinking I know. Truly these are dark times indeed..